# PHASE DEFINITION # The following file specifies phases. Phases are simulated in the order they are specified. The trial order within one phase # is randomized within a single block (and not within the complete phase). # The definition of each phase comprises two different types of lines: # (1) @PhaseName BlockFrequency # The definition of each phase must start with a line starting with @, followed directly and without any space # by the name of this phase and then the number of blocks. The name can contain any alphabetic, # numeric or special characters but no space. # The number of blocks indicates how often a block of trials (as specified in the following lines) is repeated within one phase. # (2) TrialName Frequency # For each trial presented in this phase, use a new line consisting of two entries separated by white-space: # 1. The trial name as specified in the trial definition file; # 2. the frequency this trial should occur in one block of this phase; #-------------------------------------------- @sameMod 150 AB+ 1 @diffMod 150 XY+ 1 @Test 1 A 1 B 1 X 1 Y 1 #-------------------------------------- # Lines beginning with a hash are ignored. # This file is part of a simulation programm for the Attention-Modulated Assocative Network (AMAN) # that can be downloaded from http://sydney.edu.au/science/psychology/staff/justinh/downloads/ # (see also Thorwart, Livesey & Harris, 2010)