Foto: Jannis Kohlt

Dr. Philipp Lottholz

Postdoc im Teilprojekt B05 - Treuhändische Übergangsverwaltungen

Sprecher der Postdocs (2021-2023)

  • Kontakt

    Philipps-Universität Marburg
    Zentrum für Konfliktforschung
    Deutschhausstraße 12
    Raum 02C03
    35032 Marburg

    ☎+49 6421 28-24971


  • Vita

    Since 2022
    Post-Doctoral Fellow, DFG Collaborative Research Centre (SFB/TRR 138) "Dynamics of Security", Subproject B05 — Securitization and Desecuritization in International Trusteeship Administrations 

    2019 - 2021
    Post-Doctoral Fellow, DFG Collaborative Research Centre (SFB/TRR 138) "Dynamics of Security", Subproject C05 — Political Security and Economized Infrastructures

    Visiting Fellowship, DFG Collaborative Research Centre (SFB/TRR 138) "Dynamics of Security"

    Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, UN and Global Order Programme, University of Reading

    Research Associate, International Development Department, University of Birmingham

    2014 - 2016
    Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS), University of Birmingham

    Research Assistant, International Development Department, University of Birmingham

    Visitig Fellow, Central Asian Studies Institute, American University of Central Asia, Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic)

    2013 - 2018
    Doctoral Studies, International Development Department, University of Birmingham

    2010 - 2013
    Intern, Speaker and Consultant, NGO ‘Citizens of Europe’ (Bürger Europas e.V.), Berlin

    2011 - 2012
    Master of Science in International Development (International Political Economy Pathway), International Development Department, University of Birmingham

    2007 - 2011
    Bachelor of Science in International Economics (Major in East European Studies), School of Business and Economics, University of Tübingen

  • Research interests

    Peace, conflict and security studies 

    Statebuilding and intervention

    Central Asian studies

    Post-Soviet and post-Socialist studies

    Cooperative, practice-based and ethnographic methodology

    Researcher and research participant safety

    Post- and decolonial international studies

  • Selected Publications

    Edited Works

    Special Issue: Topologies of Security: Inquiring (In-)Security Across Postcolonial and Postsocialist Scenes, Critical Studies on Security, 11(1) (with Andrew C. Dwyer). Link zur Publikation

    The Politics of Security, Stability and Ordering in (Post-) Imperial Central Asia, Europe-Asia Studies, 74(2) (with Thorsten Bonacker). Link zur Publikation

    Collective Discussion: The Conflict in South Kyrgyzstan Ten Years On/Конфликт на юге Кыргызстана десять лет спустя, Central Asia Program Paper Series, Washington, DC: George Washington University (eds. and trans. with Ismailbekova, A.). Link zum Artikel.

    Decolonial Theory & Practice in Southeast Europe, edited with Polina Manolova and Katarina Kušić, dVERSIA, 19: 1-124 (with Manolova and P., Kušić, K.). Link zum Artikel.

    Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters
    Author Reply: Engaging with Non-Political Lifeworlds, Dialogical Research and Decolonial Horizons through Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia, in Devereux, L. (ed.) Book Review Symposium on Philipp Lottholz’s Post-Liberal Statebuilding in Central Asia: Imaginaries, Discourses and Practices of Social Ordering, Central Asian Survey, 42(4): 736-739.

    Understanding Post-Imperial Politics of Security, Stability and Ordering in Central Asia: An Introduction, Europe-Asia Studies (with Thorsten Bonacker). Link zum Artikel.

    Towards a Post-Liberal Approach to Political Ordering, in: Uitz, Renata, Holmes, Stephen and Andras Sajo (eds.): Routledge Handbook of Illiberalism, London: Routledge, 582-595.

    ‘Recognizing the Never Quite Absent: De-Facto Usage, Ethics and Applications of Covert Research’, Qualitative Research, 23 (2): 417-433 (with Kluczewska, K.). Link zum Artikel.

    Security above the Law? Germany’s Bordering Practices and Freedom of Movement in Times of Covid-19, Movements: Journal of Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 6(1), 137-150 (with Manolova, P.). Link zum Artikel

    Governing, but not Producing Security? Internationalised Community Security Practices in Kyrgyzstan, International Quarterly of Asian Studies, 52 (1-2): 55-77, (with Sheranova, A.). 
    Link zum Artikel.

    The Roles and Practices of Civil Society Actors in Police Reform in Kyrgyzstan: Activism, Expertise, Knowledge Production, International Peacekeeping, 28(1): 52-
    83. Link zum Artikel.

    Round-Table Discussion: Governance and Order-Making in Central Asia: From Illiberalism to Post-Liberalism?, Central Asian Survey, 49(3): 420-437. (with Heathershaw, J., Ismailbekova, A., Moldalieva, J., McGlinchey, E., Owen, C.). Link zur Diskussion.

    Old Slogans Ringing Hollow? The Legacy of Social Engineering, Statebuilding and the ‘Dilemma of Difference’ in (Post-) Soviet Kyrgyzstan, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 12(3): 405-424. Link zum Artikel.

    Navigating the safety implications of doing research and being researched in Kyrgyzstan: Cooperation, networks and framing, Central Asian Survey, 37(1): 100-118. (with Bekmurzaev, N. and Meyer, J.). Link zum Artikel.

    Critiquing anthropological imagination in peace and conflict studies: From empiricist positivism to a dialogical approach in ethnographic peace research, International Peacekeeping, 25(5): 695-720. Link zum Artikel.

    Negotiating Unfreedom: An (Auto-) Ethnography of Life at the Forefront of Academic Knowledge Production, Inter-disciplinary Political Studies, 3(1): 77-101. Link zum Arzikel.

    Re-reading Weber, Reconceptualising Statebuilding: From Neo-Weberian to Post-Weberian Approaches to State, Legitimacy and Statebuilding, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29(4): 1467-1485. (with Lemay-Hébert N.). Link zum Artikel.
