30.04.2019 Seminar mit Special Guest: Dr. Yuriko Yamanaka
Frau Dr. Rodemeier begrüßt am 14.05.19 in ihrem Seminar "Visualisierung von Religion im öffentlichen und halböffentlichen Raum" Dr. Yuriko Yamanaka Professorin am National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka.

"Dynamics of Religious Things in and outside Museums: How material culture of Islam is ‘staged’ in Japan”
The lecturer will introduce how material culture of Islam is “staged” in the different regional galleries of the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, and how the exhibit was then condensed into “Min-packs” --- mobile "mini-stages" in the form of suitcases containing objects, photographs and explanation cards --- rented out to schools for classroom learning activities.
Die Veranstaltung findet im Seminarraum der Religionswissenschaft, Landgraf-Philipp-Str. 4, von 16-18 Uhr statt.
Alle Interessierten sind willkommen.