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Towards Understanding the Reactivity and Optical Properties of Organosilicon Sulfide Clusters

A new publication from FOR 2824 workgroups:

Towards Understanding the Reactivity and Optical Properties of Organosilicon Sulfide Clusters

K. Hanau, S Schwan, M. R. Schäfer, M. J. Müller, C. Dues, N. Rinn, S. Sanna,* S. Chatterjee,* D. Mollenhauer,* S. Dehnen,* 

Angew. Chem. 2021, 133, 1196–1206 (Hot Paper, Frontispiece); DOI Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 1176–1186 (Hot Paper, Frontispiece). DOI. Highlight: Part of the themed collection "Hot Topic: Gold" DOI

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