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Urban Gardening

Following the idea of a student who approached the Green Office in March 2021 with the idea making the roof of the university library greener, the student initiative "Wurzel(t)räume" " (German word play, literally translated "root dreams"/"root space") was founded in April with the goal of cultivating areas near campus for vegetables and herbs. Thanks to the mediation of the climate manager Ralf Orths-Rustige, the installation of three raised beds behind the lecture hall building was approved by the Presidential Board in June 2021. The initiative was kindly supported by the team of the university's botanical garden, which provided the soil and equipment. In July 2021, the raised beds could then be built, filled and stocked with plants. In addition, there are now new areas that we are planting behind the university stadium.

Wurzel(t)räume is always looking for more places to plant more plants and enhance other corners of Marburg. In the long term, the beds are not only intended for growing vegetables, but also as cozy meeting places. Everyone should be allowed to drop by for taking some leaves of mint or just have a chat.