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Structure and Dynamics of Internal Interfaces - SFB 1083

The Collaborative Research Center SFB 1083 of the DFG was established at Philipps-Universität Marburg in 2013. More than 80 chemists and physicists jointly investigate solid/solid interfaces of a variety of organic and inorganic materials in order to achieve a detailed microscopic understanding of the chemical bonding, the electronic coupling, and the dynamics of energy transfer for model systems of different classes of heterointerfaces.
Since 2017 the SFB includes groups from the Universities of Gießen and Münster and the Jülich Research Center. In 2020 the University of Leipzig joined the SFB 1083.
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Volz
Prof. Dr. Michael Gottfried
Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Höfer, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Koert, Prof. Dr. F. Stefan Tautz
SFB 1083 Office, Marburg
Dr. Stefan R. Kachel