
FÄLLT AUS: Scaling Climate Change: Reflections from Fieldwork in the High Arctic

Das Marburger AnthroLab ist eine Vortrags- und Diskussionsreihe des Fachgebiets Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie und ein Laboratorium für kreativen, innovativen wie auch kritischen Gedankenaustausch. Dieses Wintersemester widmet sich die Reihe dem Thema Klimawandel.


24. Januar 2019 18:15 – 24. Januar 2019 20:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

Deutschhausstr. 3, Hörsaal 1. OG

Die Vorträge am 17.01., 24.01. und 07.02. fallen leider aus.
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The main question posed in this presentation is how we may speak meaningfully about climate change within an anthropological framework. There seems to be an implicit discord between the close ethnographic attention to the actualities of lived experience and the global implications of climate change. Yet, this discord may be used productively by pointing towards the composite nature of all ‘ethnographic moments.’

With reference to extensive fieldwork in Northwest Greenland where the environment undergoes dramatic changes, it will be shown how anthropological analysis always implies a multiplicity of scales, temporal and spatial. The main thrust of the argument is to show that there is effectively no distance between the global and local, the two being deeply implicated in each other. By unpacking this, we may not only enrich our ethnographies, but also facilitate a new and constructive dialogue between the natural and the social sciences with regard to climate change. Further, it may open up for a more daring anthropology, no longer locked up within a notion of ‘local knowledge’.

Further information: https://www.uni-marburg.de/fb03/ivk/vk/anthrolabalias


Prof. Dr. Kirsten Hastrup – Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen
