01.09.2023 INCOPS Releases Comprehensive Report on Work-based Learning in Peace, Conflict & Security Studies

Publication of the INCOPS Report #2

Photo: Colourbox.de

The INCOPS Project is pleased to announce the publication of the report, "Mapping Work-based Learning in Peace and Security Studies" authored by Frank Grundig and other INCOPS team members. This comprehensive report represents an extensive investigation into the integration, challenges, and implications of Work-based Learning (WBL) in Peace, Conflict & Security Studies (PCS) programmes.

The study, which involved eight focus groups, numerous interviews across six institutions spanning five countries, and a wide-ranging survey with 175 individual responses, aimed to scrutinize existing WBL methodologies and challenges. It notably focused on internships, volunteer work, and inclusive practices, considering their utilization and perception among stakeholders including students, alumni, and educators.

Beginning with an explanation of WBL and its pivotal role in PCS curricula, the report proceeds to evaluate the necessity for WBL and the obstacles institutions encounter in its implementation. Findings from detailed surveys and focus group interactions within the INCOPS consortium’s universities reveal a how incorporation of internships in PCS studies is structured, showcasing variations in length, ranging from four months to a minimum of ten weeks based on institutional policies.

In essence, the report (develop during Intellectual Output O2) presents a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of WBL in PCS education within the INCOPS consortium, emphasizing its significance and the complexities surrounding its implementation. It advocates for a balanced and equitable approach to practical learning opportunities, aiming to better equip students for the professional realm of peace, conflict, and security.

Integration of Work-based Learning in Conflict, Peace and Security Studies (INCOPS)
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, 2020-1-DE01-KA203-005661


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