25.05.2023 Successfully kicking off the project

Photo: Zina Morbach

On May 25th, 2023, the members of the Tree-M research cluster came together at the Center for Synthetic Microbiology to officially kick-off the joint research venture. Besides the interdisciplinary exchange about the goals, methods and research plans of the 10 subprojects, the members discussed in detail the plans for the field campaign at the university research forest in Caldern. Besides the scientific discussion, another focus was on the communication of the cluster's strategies for "diversity and compatibility of family and career" and for "supporting early career researchers". 

Photo: Robert Junker

Especially for the jounior researchers of this project, the event was a great opportunity to connect with each other and with scientists from other subproject and to get important insights into the work of different research groups. We were very happy to welcome among the 35 participants members from JLU Gießen and from the MPI for terrestrial microbriology as well as an associated member from the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg here at Synmikro. With this motivating kick-off event the researchers can promptly start the exciting first field season!

Photo: Robert Junker


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