29. November 2021: We congratulate Jakob Schwenk to his successful PhD defense on "Neural processing of continuous temporal information: visual and visuomotor systems"
26. November 2021: Dr. Harun Karimpur was awarded with the dissertation award of the Justus Liebig University Giessen for his work on „From reaching to walking: Insights from virtual reality studies on the use of allocentric cues for spatial representations“. Congratulations.
29. April 2021: We congratulate Benjamin Knopp to his successful PhD defense on "Perception of Human Movement Based on Modular Movement Primitives"
04. February 2021: We congratulate Lukas Uhlmann to his successful PhD defense on "Self-other Distinction in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: The Roles of Agency and Hand Identity".
15. December 2020: We congratulate Harun Karimpur to his successful PhD defense on „From reaching to walking: Insights from virtual reality studies on the use of allocentric cues for spatial representations".
8. December 2020: We congratulate Özlem Sensoy to her successful PhD defense on „Das Wissen über die bekannte Größe alltäglicher Objekte im Säuglingsalter ".
20. August 2020: We congratulate Alexander Göttker to his successful PhD defense on „A change of perspective: Studying the interaction of saccadic and pursuit eye movements for oculomotor control and perception".
21. July 2020: We congratulate Zijian (Fabio) Lu to his successful PhD defense on „The use of allocentric reference frame in reaching movements".
21. July 2020: We congratulate Tom Nissens to his successful PhD defense on „A vision to reach for: the interplay between visual perception and visually-guided movements".
07. May 2020 - We congratulate Pauline Cuevas to her successful PhD defense on „Influence of gestures on the neural processing of semantic complexity measured by the idea density"
17. April 2020 - We congratulate Dmytro Velychko to his successful PhD defense on "Probabilistic Models of Motor Productions"
18. March 2020 - Tom Nissens has successfully applied for a startup funding within the IRTG. Tom has submitted his thesis early March and will defend his PhD work soon. The funding will allow Tom to perform two research projects together with Katja and Gunnar and to apply for a PostDoc position afterwards. We congratulate Tom and wish him all the best!
20. November 2019 - We congratulate Friederike Seyfried to her successful PhD defense on „Representational geometry of categorical perception of animate and inanimate objects“
17. July 2019 - We congratulate Constanze Schmitt to her successful PhD defense on „Neural Correlates of the Processing of Visually Simulated Self-Motion“
28. March 2019 - Joint IRTG/CRC symposium Vision for action and beyond. Program: see here.
18. Dezember 2018 – We congratulate Alexandra Lezkan to her successful PhD defense on „ Haptic perception as a dynamic process – how movements and perception evolve”
19. November 2018 – We congratulate Theresa Gerhard to her successful PhD defense on “Der Zusammenhang zwischen visuell-räumlicher Objektwahrnehmung und Motorik im Säuglingsalter”.
15. March 2018 - We congratulate Peter Veto to his successful PhD defense on "The connection between action and perception"
22. Januar 2018 - We congratulate Christian Wolf to his successful PhD defense on “Eye movements and the maximization of value”
28. November 2017- We congratulate Ezgi Arikan to her successful PhD defense on "Perception for multisensory action".
10. November2017- We congratulate Tobias Möhler to his successful PhD defense on "Visual attention for perception and action during saccadic eye and reach movement plannig".
10. November2017 - We congratulate Jing Chen to his successful PhD defense on "Keeping track of moving targets".
September2017 - We congratulate Benjamin Knopp to his Best Poster Award at the NCM.
June 2017 - Anna Heuer won the Marburg University prize for the best dissertation. We congratulate.
29. November 2016 - Gießener Allgemeine Zeitung published an interview with Katja Fiehler (see here)
25. November 2016 - We congratulate Mathias Klinghammer to his successful PhD defense on “Investigating spatial reference frames for reaching in a naturalistic scenario”
25. November 2016 - We congratulate Fabian Helm to his successful PhD defense on “Execution and perception of effector-specific movement deceptions”
23. November 2016 - The guidelines for the startup-funding have been updated. The document can be found here. And under the navigation point 'Forms'
27. Oktober 2016 - We congratulate Anna Heuer to her successful PhD defense on "Flexible updating of visual working memory - The joint roles of attention and action".
26. Oktober 2016 - We congratulate Vivian Paulun to her successful PhD defense on "Material perception for action".
19. September 2016 - We congratulate Scott Murdison to his successful PhD defense on "3D considerations for motion perception and visuomotor transformations".
September 2015 - We congratulate Immo Schütz to his successful PhD defense on "Reference frames for immediate and memory-guided actions in the human visuo-motor system".
January 2016 - The DFG interviewed Prof. Douglas Crawford and Scott Murdison about their experiences with the Canadian - German partnership in the IRTG. You can read the Interview here.
April 2015 - We congratulate Stefan Dowiasch to his successful PhD defense on "Visual perceptual stability and the processing of self-motion information: neurophysiology, psychophysics and neuropsychology".
April 2015 - We congratulate Svenja Marx to her successful PhD defense on "Ambiguous perception and selective attention - Competetive processes in complex scenarios".