
Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Summer School on Chemistry, Medicine and Life Sciences

Summer school for master/ doctoral students of medicine, life sciences, chemistry. Lectures, workshops and poster sessions with distinguished professors from our Partner University Tongji Daxue, Shanghai, China


31. Juli 2017 08:00 – 09. August 2017 17:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)


•You are a Master or Doctoral student in Medicine, Chemistry or Life Sciences?
•You are interested in gaining insight to cross-sectional research developments?
•You like learning in an interdisciplinary, interactive and international setting?
•You enjoy introducing international students to „your“ Marburg?

Take a look at the program and join us for science & fun with students and distinguished professors from our Partner University Tongji Daxue, Shanghai, China


akademische Leitung:
Prof. Yanghui Zhang & Jun.Prof. Olalla Vazquez
Prof. Lifeng Qi & Dr. Leon Schulte


Philipps-Universität Marburg; Tongji Daxue Shanghai
