02.02.2023 PhD Workshop on “Contributing” to the Management Literature with Prof. Hart Posen 3.-5. April

Wisconsin School of Business

PhD Workshop on “Contributing” to the Management Literature
(AKA: What is my paper’s contribution and how do I articulate it?)

What does it take to write a research paper that is published in one of the top management journals? Editors and reviewers at top journals seek papers that make important ‘contributions’ to the literature. But what is a contribution? How do you know when your paper is contributing? More importantly, how do you write your paper to make acontribution that editors and reviewers recognize such that they want to publish your paper?

Professor Hart Posen (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Associate Editor, Strategic Management Journal) will work with us in this intense 3-day workshop taking place at the Philipps University Marburg.

Application & Deadline: To apply, please send an email to Angelina Schilling (Sustainability Management Research Group; angelina.schilling@wiwi.uni-marburg.de). In this email, please specify (a) where you are in your PhD program, (b) what you currently expect to do once you finish your PhD program, and (c) what you hope to get out of this class. On top of that, please (d) attach the current version of the working paper you hope will be improved as a result of this workshop and (e) paste the abstract of the working paper to the bottom of the email. The application deadline is 22.02.2023. Students will, of course, be able to submit an updated version of their working paper prior to the workshop.

Requirements: As a prerequisite for participation in the workshop, each student must (a) have a working paper that they are willing to share and discuss and (b) commit to attending all three class days. While the Philipps University Marburg hosts the workshop for students in Central Hessen, should there be room, the course will be opened to students from across Europe. 

The workshop is generously sponsored by the „Blended Networking Wisconsin – Central Hessen“ of the “Forschungscampus Mittelhessen”.
