
Prof. Dr. Michael Kirk
Inhaber der Professur für Entwicklungs- und Kooperationsökonomie an der Philipps-Universität Marburg (bis 3/2021)
- (Genossenschaftliche) Kooperation, kollektives Handeln und Selbsthilfeorganisationen in Entwicklungs- und Transformationsländern
- Institutionen und institutioneller Wandel im Entwicklungsprozess
- Boden-, Ressourcenordnung, Boden-, Ressourcenpolitik in Entwicklungs- und Transformationsländern
- Ökonomik der „Global Commons“, insbesondere Biodiversität und Desertifikationsbekämpfung
- Dezentralisierung und Deregulierung in Entwicklungsländern
Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
Mantel, de Vries & Kirk (2017) “Improving Local Government Services in Jamaica” GIM International , 29-31.
Väth, Gobien & Kirk (2017) “Life satisfaction, contract farming and property rights: Evidence from Ghana”, Land Use Policy (in print)
Vorlaufer, Falk, Dufhues, Kirk (2017) “Payments for ecosystem services and agricultural intensification: Evidence from a choice experiment on deforestation in Zambia”, Ecological Economics, 141, 95-105.
Kirk (2017) “Support to Land Reform in Namibia. Knowledge Management Report”, GIZ Publication (with contributions of A. Lange & J. Middleton), Windhoek.
Falk, Kirk, Lohmann, Kruger, Hüttich & Kamukenjandje (2016) “The profits of excludability and transferability in redistributive land reform in central Namibia”, Development Southern Africa.
Falk, Kirk, Lohmann, Kruger, Hüttich & Kamukenjandje (2016) “The profits of excludability and transferability in redistributive land reform in central Namibia”, Development Southern Africa.
Remi, Kirk & Sunday (2015) “Women Access to Land: The Compatibility of Property Rights on the Farming Activities of Women in Rice Producing Areas of Osun State, Nigeria”, International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 2:10, 34-42.
Kirk, Antonio, Mabikke & Espinoza (2014) “Land Tenure Security in Selected Countries: Synthesis report”, UN-Habitat, Nairobi.
Väth & Kirk (2014) “Do property rights and contract farming matter for rural development? Evidence from a large-scale investment in Ghana”, Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, No. 16-2014.
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