
Prof. Dr. Michael Kirk

Personalfoto Kirk
Foto: Felix Wesch



Telefon: +49 (0) 6421 28 23731

Sprechstunde siehe unter "Nachrichten"

  • Forschung

    - Institutionen und institutioneller Wandel im Entwicklungsprozess

    - Boden-, Ressourcenordnung, Boden-, Ressourcenpolitik in Entwicklungs- und Transformationsländern

    - (Genossenschaftliche) Kooperation, kollektives Handeln und Selbsthilfeorganisationen in Entwicklungs- und Transformationsländern

    - Ökonomik der „Global Commons“, insbesondere Biodiversität und Desertifikationsbekämpfung

    - Dezentralisierung und Deregulierung in Entwicklungsländern


  • Curriculum Vitae


    03/1988 – 03/1995: Habilitation, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, Habilitation: ‘Land Tenure and Technological Change in African Agrarian Systems”

    04/1984 – 02/1988: Dr. sc. agr., Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, Dissertation: Technology Choice in Cameroonian Agriculture: problems of the diffusion of animal traction

    10/1981 – 02/1984: M.Sc. agr.,    Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany, Master Thesis: ‘Animal Traction in West Africa’

    10/1974 – 03/1980: Diploma in Economics, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany, Diploma Thesis: ‘Migration in Developing Countries: Causes, Effects & Policy Implications’



    10/2000 – ongoing: Director of Institute for Cooperative Science, Philipps-Universität Marburg, affiliated to School of Business and Economics              

    07/1997 – ongoing: Professor of Development Economics, Agricultural Economics & Cooperative Economics, Philipps-Universität Marburg, School of Business and Economics

    05/1996 – 06/1997: Acting Professor of Development Economics, Agricultural Economics & Cooperative Economics, Philipps Universität Marburg, School of Business and Economics

    01/1995 – 04/1996: Associate Professor, Institute of Rural Development, Göttingen University, Germany

    04/1988 – 12/1994: Assistant Professor, Institute of Rural Development, Göttingen University, Germany

    04/1985 – 03/1988: Research Fellow, Institute of Rural Development, Göttingen University, Germany

    04/1984 – 03/1985: PhD-Scholarship, Cameroon (DAAD), Institute Panafrican pour le Développement, Douala

    06/1981 – 03/1982: Project Assistant, GTZ Togo, Rural Development Project, Sokodé

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