
Short Stays at Research Centers with Invited Talks and Participation in the International Conferences (Prof. Sergei Baranovskii)

June 2023 MONTENEGRO (Herceg Novi). Oral Presentation "Energy scales of compositional disorder in alloy semiconductors for device applications" at the "11th International Conference on Radiation (RAD'11)" (Chairman: Prof. G. Ristic, University of Niš , Serbia)
November 2022 GERMANY (Cologne). Invited Lectures "Disorder Effects in Semiconductor Alloys and Organic Blends" at the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Cologne (Host: Prof. Klaus Meerholz).
September 2022 BULGARIA (St Konstantin). Invited Talk "Disorder Effects on PL in Low-Dimensional Structures" at the "22th International Shool on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP'22)" (Chairman: Prof. H. Chamati, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria).
December 2021 FRANCE (Paris). Invited Talk "Disorder Effects on PL in Low-Dimensional Structures" at the Simons Collaboration Workshop on Semiconductors, perovskites and 2D materials (Chairmen:Claude Weisbuch, Astor Rowe, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris/Palaiseau, France).
August 2019 FRANCE (Paris/Palaiseau). Invited Tutorial (90 min) "Theoretical description of charge transport in disordered solids: to simulate or to think? " at the "28th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris/Palaiseau, France).
May 2019 GERMANY (Cologne). Invited Lectures "Generation, transport and recombination of charge carriers in disordered organic semiconductors" at the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Cologne (Host: Prof. Klaus Meerholz).
May 2019 USA (Santa Barbara). Invited Talk "Disorder effects in semiconductors: known unknowns and fundamental scales" at the Santa Barbara Simons Meeting, University of California, Santa Barbara (Hosts: Prof. Claude Weisbuch and Prof.Jim Speck).

November 2018 GERMANY (Würzburg). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors. To simulate or to think?" at the Inst. Exp. Phys. VI, University of Würzburg (Host: Prof. V. Dyakonov).
September 2018 BULGARIA (St Konstantin). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors. To simulate or to think?" at the "20th International Shool on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP'18)" (Chairman: Prof. H. Chamati, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria).
June 2018 MACEDONIA (Ohrid). Plenary Invited Talk "Physics of direct conversion x-ray detectors based on a-Se and a-PbO" at the "5th International Conference on Radiation (RAD'5)" (Chairman: Prof. G. Ristic, University of Niš , Serbia).
April 2018 FRANCE (Le Houches) Series of Invited Lectures "Effects of Disorder in Solid State" at Ecole de Physique des Houches "EXCITONS in LOW-DIMENSIONALITY / DISORDERED SEMICONDUCTORS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN THE DETECTION and EMISSION OF LIGHT" (Host: Prof. Sébastien Chénais, Paris 13 University, France).

December 2017 GERMANY (Dresden). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors. To simulate or to think?" at the Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP), Technical University Dresden (Host: A. Hofacker).
October - November 2017 FRANCE (Paris/Palaiseau) Stay as a Distinguished Visiting Prof. at Ecole Polytechnique. Talk: "Effects of Disorder in Solid State" (Host: Prof. Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS Directeur du Laboratoire PICM et de FedPV, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris/Palaiseau, France).
September 2017 CZECH REPUBLIC (Prague). Invited Talk "Theoretical description of charge transport in polymers: to simulate or to think?" at the "81st Prague Meeting on Macromolecules" (Chairman: Profs. Jiří Pfleger and Věra Cimrová, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic).
August 2017 KOREA (Seoul). Mott Plenary Lecture (60 min) "Theoretical description of charge transport in disordered solids: to simulate or to think?" at the "27th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. Jin Jang, Kyung Hee University Seoul, Korea).
June 2017 MONTENEGRO (Budva). Invited Talk "Columnar recombination in x-ray detectors based on a-Se" at the "4th International Conference on Radiation (RAD'4)" (Chairman: Prof. G. Ristic, University of Niš , Serbia).

July 2016 GREECE (Thesaloniki). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors" at the ISFOE2016 "The 9th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics" (Chairman: Prof.S. Logothetidis, LTFN, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).
June 2016 CANADA (Montreal). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in PbO" at the ICOOPMA 2016 "The 7th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications" (Chairmen: Prof. Raman Kashyap, (Polytechnique Montréal), Prof. Younès Messaddeq, (Université Laval), Prof. Carlos Silva, (Université de Montréal)).
February 2016 GERMANY (Bayreuth). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors" at the University Bayreuth (Host: Prof. A. Köhler).

June 2015 GERMANY (Erlangen). Oral Presentation "Theory to Charge Ttransport in Organic Semiconductors" at the "International Conference on Organic Electronics 2015 (ICOE2015)" (Chairman: Prof. C. Brabec, University Erlangen).
June 2015 MONTENEGRO (Budva). Invited Talk "Impact Ionization Phenomena in Disordered Systems Related to the Avalanche Multiplication and Switching Effect" at the "3rd International Conference on Radiation (RAD'3)" (Chairman: Prof. G. Ristic, University of Niš , Serbia).
June 2015 RUSSIA (St. Petersburg). Oral Presentation "Mechanism of Large Positive Hopping Magnetoresistance in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors" at the "Spin physics, spin chemistry and spin technology" (SPCT-2015)" (Chairmen: Prof. Kev Salikhov (Kazan E.K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Kazan, Russia,), Prof. Yuri Kusrayev and Prof. N. Averkiev (Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia)).
May 2015 GERMANY (Chemnitz). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors" at the Technical University Chemnitz (Host: Prof. C. Deibel).

September 2014 BULGARIA (St Konstantin). Invited Talk "Mechanism of Large Positive Hopping Magnetoresistance in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors" at the "18th International Shool on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP'18)" (Chairman: Prof. A. Petrov, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria).
June 2014 RUSSIA (Moscow). Invited Talk "Mechanism of Large Positive Hopping Magnetoresistance in Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors" at the "Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014" (Chairmen: Prof. A. Vedyayev. Prof. A. Granovsky, Prof. N. Perov, Moscow State Univetrsity).
April 2014 GERMANY (Bremen). Invited Talk "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors" at the "Charge transport in organic materials - CECAM - Workshop 2014" (Chairmen: Prof. T. Frauenheim, Univetrsity of Bremen).

September 2013 POLAND (Warsaw). Invited Plenary Lecture (45 min) "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Semiconductors" at the "2013 Fall Meeting of the European Material Sosciety, E-MRS" (Chairmen: Prof. L.E. Hueso, CIC nanoGUNE Consolider, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain; Prof. V. Dediu, Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ISMN-CNR), Bologna, Italy).
September 2013 SPAIN (Girona). Invited Talk "Electron Glass" (Host: Prof. S. Vyboishchikov, University of Girona, Spain)
September 2013 SPAIN (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Barcelona). Oral Talk "How to Find out the Energy Spectrum in Organic Smiconductors" at the "15th International Conference on Transport in Interactiong Disordered Systems (TIDS15)" (Chairman: Prof. M. Palassini, University of Barcelona, Spain)
August 2013 CANADA (Toronto). Invited 25th Anniversary Plenary Lecture (45 min) "Theory of Charge Transport in Disordered Materials" at the "25th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. S. Kasap, University of Saskatchewan, Canada).
August 2013 CANADA (Toronto). Invited Tutorial Talk (90 min) "Generation, Transport and Recombination of Charge Carriers in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "25th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. S. Kasap, University of Saskatchewan, Canada).
August 2013 CANADA (Thunder bay). Invited Tutorial Talk (90 min) "Generation, Transport and Recombination of Charge Carriers in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "16th Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference" (Chairman: Prof. A. Reznik, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada).

September 2012 BULGARIA (St Konstantin). Invited Talk "How to Find Out DOS in Organic Semiconductors" at the "17th International Shool on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP17)" (Chairman: Prof. A. Petrov, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria).
July 2012 CANADA (Thunder Bay). Invited Talk "Organic Semiconductors: Physics and Applications" at the seminar of the Thunder Bay Rigional Research Institute (Host: Prof. A. Reznik, TBRRI and Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada).
July 2012 RUSSIA (St.Petersburg). Invited Talk "How to Find out the Energy Spectrum in Organic Smiconductors" at the "8th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors 2012 (AMS2012)" (Chairman: Prof. E. Terukov, Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia).
June 2012 SPAIN (Tarragona). Invited Talk "Generation,Ttransport and Recombination of Charge Carriers in Organic Solar Cells" at the "International Conference on Organic Electronics 2012 (ICOE2012)" (Chairman: Prof. B. Iñiguez, URV, Spain).
June 2012 JAPAN (Nara) Invited Talk "Generation,Ttransport and Recombination of Charge Carriers in Organic Solar Cells" at the "5th International Conference on Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials and Applications-ICOOPMA2012" (Chairman: Prof. H. Naito, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan).

September 2011 ISRAEL (Akko). Invited Talk "Theory of exciton dissociation at the interface between a polymer and an electron acceptor" at the "14th International Conference on Transport in Interactiong Disordered Systems (TIDS14)" (Chairman: Prof. A. Frydman, Bar-Ilan University Tel Aviv, Israel)
August 2011 JAPAN (Nara) Oral presentation (20 min) "Concentration dependence of the transport path for charge carriers in organic semiconductors" at the "24th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors -ICANS24" (Chairman: Prof. H. Okamoto, University of Osaka).
August 2011 JAPAN (Nara) Oral presentation (20 min) "Theory of exciton dissociation at the interface between a polymer and an electron acceptor" at the "24th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors -ICANS24" (Chairman: Prof. H. Okamoto, University of Osaka).
August 2011 CANADA (Thunder Bay). Invited Talk "Theory of Geminate Recombination in Organic Semiconductors" at the seminar of the Thunder Bay Rigional Research Institute (Host: Prof. A. Reznik, TBRRI and Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada).
August 2011 CANADA (Thunder Bay). Invited Talk "Effect of Diffusion on Bimolecular Recombination in Two-Dimensional Systems" at the seminar of the Thunder Bay Rigional Research Institute (Host: Prof. A. Reznik, TBRRI and Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada).
June 2011 ITALY (Rome). Oral presentation (20 min) "Theory to exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor" at the "International Conference on Organic Electronics 2011 (ICOE2011)" (Chairman: Prof. L. Mariucci ,CNR-IMM, Italy).

October 2010 MEXICO (Mexico-City). Invited Talk "Electron Glass" at the Seminar of UNAM (Host: Dr. G.E. Romero-Sandoval, UNAM, Mexico-City)
October 2010 MEXICO (Puebla). Invited Talk "Coulomb Effects for Energy Spectrum of Disordered Systems" at the 2d Int. Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics (Chairman: Prof. A. Kosarev)
October 2010 MEXICO (Puebla). Invited Talk "Couomb Effects for Light Absorption in Disordered Materials" at the 2d Int. Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics (Chairman: Prof. A. Kosarev)
October 2010 MEXICO (Puebla). Invited Talk "Coulomb Effects for Recombination of Charge Carriers in Disordered Materials" at the 2d Int. Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics (Chairman: Prof. A. Kosarev)
September 2010 CANADA (Thunder Bay). Invited Talk "Electron Glass" at the seminar of the Thunder Bay Rigional Research Institute (Host: Prof. O. Rubel, TBRRI and Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada).
August 2010 BULGARIA (St Konstantin). Invited Talk (Georgi Nadjakof Lecture) "Theoretical Description of Charge Transport in Organic Solids" at the "16th International Shool on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP'16" (Chairman: Prof. A. Petrov, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria).
August 2010 HUNGARY (Budapest). Invited Talk "Generalized Onsager-Frenkel recombination of optically generated electron-hole pairs" at the "4th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA2010" (Chairman: Prof. S. Kokenyesi, University of Debrecen, Hungary).
July 2010 AUSTRALIA (Brisbane). Invited Talk "Effects of Disorder on Photoluminescence in Quantum Structures" at the "9th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed and Nano Materials (EXCON'10)" (Chairman: Prof. J. Singh, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia).
June 2010 FRANCE (Paris). Upgraded Talk (30 min) "Effects of Electric Field on Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Solids" at the "International Conference on Organic Electronics 2010 (ICOE2010)" (Chairman: Prof. G. Horowitz, University Paris Diderot, France).
April 2010 SPAIN (Palma de Mallorca). Plenary Invited Talk (60 min) "Theoretical Description of Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors" at the "International Symposium on Flexible Electronics 2010 (ISFR'10)" (Chairman: Prof. R. Picos, Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), Spain).
March 2010 FINLAND (Turku). Invited Talk "Effects of disorder on optical properties of quantum structures" at the Abo Akademi University (Host: Prof. R. Österbacka).
March 2010 GERMANY (Mainz). Invited Talk "Theory of charge carrier transport in disordered organic solids" at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Host: Dr. F. Laquai)

October 2009 GERMANY (Oldenburg). Invited Talk "Analytical theory of transport in tunnel diodes for multilayered solar cells" (With K. Jandieri) (Host: Dr. C. von Meidel, University Oldenburg).
October 2009 AUSTRIA (Vienna). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Materials" at the "International Concerence of the Electrochemical Society (ECS216)" (Chairman: Prof. M.J. Deen, McMaster University, Canada).
September 2009 HUNGARY (Rackeve). Invited Talk with F. Janssen "Effects of High Electric Fields in Hopping Transport" at the International Conference on "Transport in Interactiong Disordered Systems (TIDS13)" (Chairmen: Prof. P. Thomas, University Marburg, Germany, Prof. I. Varga, University of Budapest, Hungary).
August 2009 THE NETHERLANDS (Utrecht) Oral presentation with F. Jansson (20 min) "Negative differential conductivity in the hopping transport model" at the "23th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors -ICANS23" (Chairman: Prof. R. Schropp, University of Utrecht).
August 2009 THE NETHERLANDS (Utrecht) Oral presentation with O. Rubel (20 min) "Exact solution for hopping dissociation of germinate electron-hole pairs in a disordered chain" at the "23th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors -ICANS23" (Chairman: Prof. R. Schropp, University of Utrecht).
July 2009 GERMANY (Giessen). Invited Talk "Theory of Photoluminescence in Quantum Wells" (With K. Jandieri) at the Workshop on Material Research (Organizer: Prof. W. Heimbrodt, University Marburg).
June 2009 GERMANY (Aachen). Invited Talk "Analytical theory of transport in tunnel diodes for multilayered solar cells" (With K. Jandieri) (Host: Prof. M. Wuttig, RWTH Aachen).

December 2008 GERMANY (Oldenburg). Invited Talk "Theory of charge transport in organic semiconductors" (Host: Prof. Dr. J. Parisi, University Oldenburg).
October 2008 MEXICO (Puebla). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Materials" at the 1st Int. Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics (Chairman: Prof. A. Kosarev)
October 2008 MEXICO (Puebla). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Ionic Glasses" at the 1st Int. Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics (Chairman: Prof. A. Kosarev)
October 2008 MEXICO (Puebla). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in DNA Molecules" at the 1st Int. Workshop on Advanced Materials for Optoelectronics (Chairman: Prof. A. Kosarev)
September 2008 JAPAN (Osaka). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Materials" at the Osaka Prefecture University (Host: Prof. H. Naito)
September 2008 JAPAN (Inuyama). Invited Talk "Physics in the USSR, a personal view" at the Int. Workshop on Physics of Chalcogenides (Chairman: Prof. K. Tanaka, University of Sapporo, Japan).
September 2008 JAPAN (Nagoya). Invited Talk "Mechanism of Impact Ionization in Disordered Ssystems Used for Imaging and Optical Storage" at the 69th Meeting of the Japan Soc. of Appl. Physics (Chairman: Prof. K. Tanaka, University of Sapporo, Japan).
August 2008 AUSTRIA (Riezlern). Invited Talk "Physics in the USSR, a personal view" at the Int. Workshop of German-Hungerian Graduate Programm "Electron-electron interactions in solids" (Chairman: Prof. F. Gebhard, Philipps University Marburg, Germany).
August 2008 CANADA (Toronto). Invited Talk "Mechanism of Impact Ionization in Disordered Ssystems Used for Imaging and Optical Storage" at the "Int. Workshop on Medical Imaging" (Chairman: Prof. A. Reznik, Sunnybrook Health Sc. Center, Toronto, Canada).
July 2008 CANADA (Edmonton). Invited Talk "Effects of Disorder on Optical Excitations in Semiconductor Heterostructures" at the "ICOOPMA2008, International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications" (Chairman: Prof. S. Kasap, University of Saskatchewan, Canada).
June 2008 GERMANY (Aachen). Invited Talk "Effects of Disorder on Photoluminescence in Low-Dimensional Structures" (Host: Prof. M. Wuttig, RWTH Aachen).
January 2008 FINLAND (Turku). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Materials" at the Abo Akademi University (Host: Prof. R. Österbacka).
January 2008 GERMANY (Marburg). Invited Talk "On the Theory of Ion Motion in Disordered Systems" (Chairman: Prof. K.-M. Weitzel).

September 2007 AUSTRIA (Vienna). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Materials" at the "Workshop on Organic Electronics SISPAD2007" (Chairman: Prof. T. Grasser, Technical University of Vienna, Austria).
August 2007 USA (Breckenridge, Colorado). Oral presentation (20 min) "On the Theory of Impact Ionization in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "22th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors -ICANS22" (Chairman: Dr. H. Branz, NREL, USA).
July 2007 UK (London). Invited Talk "Mechanism of Impact Ionization in Disordered Ssystems Used for Optical Storage" at the "ICOOPMA2007, International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications" (Chairman: Prof. A. Ray, Queen Mary, University of London, UK).
June 2007 THE NETHERLANDS (Eindhoven). Invited Talk "Description of Charge Transport in Disordered Organic Materials" at the "International Conference on Organic Electronics - ICOE 2007" (Chairman: Prof. W. Ecleston, University of Liverpool, UK).
April 2007 COLOMBIA (San Andres). Invited Talk "Disorder Effects for Optical Excitations in Quantum Heterostructures" at the "Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices - LDSD 2007" (Chairman: Prof. M. Henini, Nottingham University, UK).
March 2007 USA (New York). Invited Talk "Theory of the Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Yeshiva University (Host: Prof. S. Buldyrev).

September 2006 BULGARIA (Varna). Invited Talk "Temperature Quenching of Photoluminescence in Disordered Semiconductors" at the "14th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, 14 ISCMP" (Chairmen: Prof. A. Petrov, Institute of Solid State Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, Prof. J. Marshall, University of Swansea, UK).
July 2006 AUSTRALIA (Darwin). Invited Talk "Disorder Effects for Optical Excitations in Quantum Heterostructures" at the "International Conference on Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials and Applications -ICOOPMA2006" (Chairman: Prof. J. Singh, Ch. Darwin University).
May 2006 GERMANY (Aachen). Invited Talk "Electron Glass" at the RWTH-Aachen University (Host: Prof. Dr. M. Wuttig).
March 2006 CANADA (Toronto). Invited Talk "Electron Transport in DNA" at the Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre (Host: Prof. Dr. John A. Rowlands).

December 2005 GERMANY (Stuttgart). Invited Talk "Electron Glass" at the University of Stuttgart (Host: Prof. Dr. M. Dressel).
September 2005 PORTUGAL (Lisbon). Oral presentation (20 min) "On the description of hopping conductivity in disordered organic solids" at the "21th International Conference on Amorphous and nanocrystalline Semiconductors -ICANS21" (Chairman: Prof. R. Martens, University of Lisbon).
September 2005 THE NETHERLANDS (Egmond aan Zee). Oral presentation (30 min) "On the description of hopping conductivity in disordered organic solids" at the "11th International Conference on Transport and Interactions in Disordered Systems -TIDS11" (Chairman: Prof. H. Brom, University of Leiden).
July 2005 GERMANY (Osnabrück). Invited Talk "Electron Glass" at the University of Osnabrück (Host: Dr. E. Shamonina).
June 2005 ROMANIA (Sinaia). Invited Plenary Talk "Theoretical Description of Hopping Transport in Disordered Materials" at the "2d International Workshop on Amorphous and Nanostructured Chalcogenides - Fundamentals and Applications- ANC-2" (Chairman: Prof. M. Popescu, University of Bucharest, Romania).
May 2005 GERMANY (Darmstadt). Invited Talk "Theoretical Description of Hopping Transport in Disordered Materials" at the TU Darmstadt (Host: Prof. H. von Seggern).
May 2005 THE NETHERLANDS (Eindhoven). Invited Talk "Theoretical Description of Hopping Transport in Disordered Materials" at the TU Eindhoven (Host: Prof. P.Bobbert).

September 2004 BULGARIA (Varna). Invited Talk "Hopping Relaxation of Excitons in Quantum Wells and Quantum Islands" at the "13th International School on Condensed Matter Physics, 13 ISCMP" (Chairman: Prof. J. Marshall, University of Swansea, UK).
September 2004 GERMANY(Potsdam). Invited Talk "Charge Transport Mechanisms in microcrystalline Semiconductors" at the "International Conference on Polycristalline Semiconductors 2004, POLYSE 2004" (Chairman: Priv.Doz. Dr. N. Nickel, HMI Berlin, Germany).
September 2004 GERMANY (Marburg). Oral presentation (25 min) "Nucleobase Sequence Dependence of Charge Transfer through DNA Bridges" at the "85th International Bunsen - Discussion - Meeting: Chemical Processes of Ions - Transport and Reactivity " (Chairman: Prof. K.-M. Weitzel, University of Marburg, Germany).

September 2003 ITALY (Trieste). 4 presentations (invited and 3 posters) at the "10th International Conference on Hopping and Related Phenomena, HRP-10" (Chairman: Prof. H. Böttger, University of Magdeburg, Germany).
July 2003 GERMANY (Dortmund). Invited Talk "Theoretical description of hopping transport in disordered materials" at the seminar of the Department of Physics, University Dortmund (Host: Prof. Roland Böhmer).
May 2003 GERMANY (Berlin). Colloquium Talk "Electron Glass Transition", Hahn-Meitner Institute, Department of Silicon Photovoltaic (Hosts: Prof. W. Fuhs, Dr. K. Lips, Dr. Ch. Boeme).
May 2003 DENMARK (Roskilde). Invited Talk "Electron Glass Transition" at the "International Workshop on Viscous Liquids" (Chairman: Prof. J. Dyre, University of Roskilde, Denmark).
February 2003 GERMANY (Marburg). Colloquium Talk "Effects of Disorder and Interactions in Solids" at the Colloquium of the Department of Physics, Philipps University.

November 2002 GERMANY (Bad Honnef). Invited Talk "Coulomb Effects for Band-Tail Electrons" at the "8th Biennial Conference: Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Dr. R. Carius, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany).
September 2002 BULGARIA (St. Konstantin). Invited Talk "Coulomb Effects in Disordered Semiconductors" at the "ISCMP 12: 12th International School on Condensed Matter Physics" (Chairman: Prof. J. Marshal, University of Swansea, UK).
January 2002 GERMANY (Hannover). Invited Talk "Theoretical Description of Hopping Transport in Disordered Systems" at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Hannover (Host: Prof. P. Heitjans).

November 2001 AUSTRIA (Linz). Invited Talk "Theoretical Description of Electronic Transport in Organic Photoconductors" at the Institute for Organic Solar Cells, University of Linz (Host: Prof. N. S. Sariciftci).
November 2001 GERMANY (Karlsruhe). Invited Talk "Excitons in Disordered Systems" at the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Karlsruhe (Host: Prof. M. Wegener).
October 2001 GERMANY (Bad Honnef). Invited Talk "Kinetic Properties of Disordered Organic and Inorganic Systems" at the International WE-Seminar "Recent Developments in the Physics of Liquids" (Chairman: Prof. R. Winter, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Dortmund).
September 2001 GERMANY (Heidelberg). Invited Talk "Theoretical Description of Electronic Transport in Organic Semiconductors" at the German Cancer Research Center (Host: Prof. S. Suhai, Department of Molecular Biophysics, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg).
September 2001 ISRAEL (Shefaym). Invited Talk"Theoretical Description of Electronic Transport in Organic Photoconductors" at the "9th International Conference Hopping and Related Phenomena" (Chairman: Prof. A. Frydman, Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv).
August 2001 FRANCE (Nice). 2 Oral presentations: "Universal Theoretical Description of Electronic Transport in Disordered Organic and Inorganic Semiconductors" and "Coulomb Effects on the Band-Tail Electrons and Doping Efficiency in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "19th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. B. Equer, Laboratoire PICM, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France).
March 2001 ISRAEL (Dead Sea). Invited Talk "Electron-Glass Transition in Disordered Systems with Localized Electrons" at the International Minerva School on "Frontiers in Physics of Complex Systems" (Chairman: Prof. R. Berkovitz, Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel).
March 2001 JAPAN (Atsugi). Invited Talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics (Host: Prof. T. Aoki)
March 2001 JAPAN (Gifu). Invited Talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the University of Gifu (Host: Prof. K. Shimakava).

December 2000 GERMANY (Berlin). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Microcrystalline Silicon" at the Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin (Host: Prof. W. Fuhs).
October 2000 GERMANY (Bad Honnef). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Organic Disordered Materials" at the Meeting "Amorphous Semiconductors 7" (Chairman: Dr. R. Carius, Science Center Julich, Germany
September 2000 BULGARIA (St. Konstantin). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Organic Disordered Materials" at the "ISCMP 11: 11th International School on Condensed Matter Physics" (Chairman: Prof. J. Marshal, University of Swansea, UK).
July 2000 GERMANY (Munich). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Organic Disordered Materials" at the Technical University of Munich (Host: Prof. F. Koch).
July 2000 AUSTRIA (Bad Gastein). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Organic Photoconductors" at the "ICSM 2000: International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals" (Chairman: Prof. G. Leising, Technical University Graz, Austria).
March 2000 JAPAN (Yokohama). Invited talk "Electron Glass" at the Department of Physics, Keio University (Host: Prof. F. Yonezawa).
January 2000 AUSTRIA (Graz). Invited Talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the Technical University Graz (Host: Prof. G. Leising).

October 1999 AUSTRIA (Riezlern). Participation in the Seminar on Modern Problems in Solid State Physics.
September 1999 SPAIN (Murcia). Invited Talk"Transport Mechanism in Ionic Glasses" at the "International Conference on Hopping and Related Phenomena (HRP-8)" (Chairman: Prof. M. Ortuno, University of Murcia, Spain). Contributed presentations at this Conference: "Transport Energy for Förster Processes", "Temperature-Dependent Exciton Luminescence in Quantum Wells".
July 1999 GERMANY (Berlin). Invited Talk PL und PC in Microcrystalline Semiconductors" at the Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin (Host: Prof. W. Fuhs).
May 1999 GERMANY (Dortmund). Contributed Presentations at the Meeting of the German Chemical Society (Bunsentagung) (Chairman: Prof. R. Winter, University Dortmund, Germany): 1. "On the Ion Transport in Glasses"; 2. "Ion-Induced Nucleation of Saturated Vapours".
April 1999 FRANCE (Paris). Invited Talk "Non-Linear Photoconductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the Ecole Polytechnique (Host: Prof. B. Equer).

December 1998 GERMANY (Münster). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Ionic Glasses" at the University of Münster (Host: Prof. K. Funke).
November 1998 GERMANY (Eitorf). Invited Talk "Transport Mechanism in Microcrystalline Semiconductors" at the Seminar Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors (Chairman: Dr. R. Carius).
November 1998 GERMANY (Hanau). Participation in the Seminar Material Sciences in the Boarder Fields between Physics and Chemistry.
September 1998 BULGARIA (Varna). Invited Talk "Temperature-Dependent Exciton Luminescence in Quantum Wells with Disorder" at the International Conference "Thin Film Materials and Device Developments in Science and Technology" (Chairman: Prof. N. Kirov).
August 1998 ISRAEL (Jerusalem).Contributed presentation "Temperature-Dependent Exciton Dynamics in Quantum Wells" at the "24th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. E. Cohen).
July 1998 GERMANY (Regensburg). Invited Talk "Relaxation of Excitons in Disordered Semiconductors" at the University of Regensburg (Host: Prof. U. Rössler).

August 1997 HUNGARY (Budapest). 2 Oral presentations: "On the Einstein Relation for Hopping Electrons" and "Thermally Stimulated Conductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the "17th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. S. Kugler, Technical University Budapest, Hungary).
August 1997 HUNGARY (Rackeve). Invited Talk "Thermally Stimulated Conductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the International Conference "Hopping and Related Phenomena (HRP-7)" (Chairman: Prof. P. Thomas, University Marburg, Germany).
August 1997 BELGIUM (Leuven). Invited talk "Photoinduced Anisotropy in Chalcogenide Glasses" at the Department of Physics of the Catholic University Leuven (Host: Prof. G.J. Adriaenssens).
July 1997 GERMANY (Berlin). Invited talk "Low-Temperature Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Colloquium of the Physics Department of the Humboldt University Berlin (Host: Prof. R. Zimmermann).
July 1997 GERMANY (Berlin). Invited talk "Transport Mechanism in Microcrystalline Silicon" at the Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin (Host: Prof. W. Fuhs).
March 1997 JAPAN(Tsukuba). Invited talk "Electron Glass" at the National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR), (Host: Prof. K. Tanaka).

November 1996 SPAIN (Seville). Invited visit at the Department of Physics, University of Sevilla (Host: Prof. J. Mejias).
October 1996 AUSTRIA (Riezlern). Participation in the Seminar on Modern Problems in Material Sciences.
September 1996 BULGARIA (St. Konstantin). Invited Talk "Photoconductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" at the "International Workshop on Solid State Physics" (Chairman: Prof. J. Marshall, University of Swansea, UK).
March 1996 CHINA (Beijing). Invited Talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Graduate School, University of Science and Technology of China, Academia Sinica (Host: Prof. M. Zhu).

December 1995 FRANCE (Paris). Invited talk "Non-Linear Hopping Transport" at the Ecole Politechnique (Host: Prof. B. Equer).
September 1995 AUSTRIA (Riezlern). Participation in the Seminar on Modern Problems in Material Sciences.
October 1995 ISRAEL (Beer-Sheva, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem). Invited talks "Hopping Photoconductivity in Disordered Semiconductors" and "Coulomb Glass" at the University of Beer-Sheva and the Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv (Hosts: Prof. V. Lyubin (Uni-Beer-Sheva) and Prof. I. Shlimak (Bar Ilan Uni-Tel Aviv)).
September 1995 JAPAN (Kobe). Invited talk "Hopping Transport in Band Tails" at the "16th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors (ICAMS-16)" (Chairperson: Prof. F. Yonezawa, Keio University).
April 1995 BELGIUM (Leuven). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous semiconductors" at the Department of Physics of the Catholic University Leuven (Host: Prof. G.J. Adriaenssens).

September 1994 BULGARIA (St. Konstantin). Invited Talk "Transport Energy in Disordered Semiconductors" at the "International Workshop on Solid State Physics" (Chairman: Prof. J. Marshall, University of Swansea, UK).
August 1994 AUSTRIA (Riezlern). Participation in the Seminar on Modern Problems in Material Sciences.
March 1994 BELGIUM (Leuven). Invited talk "Hopping Photoconductivity in Doped Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Department of Physics of the Catholic University Leuven (Host: Prof. G.J. Adriaenssens).
April 1994 FRANCE (Paris).Invited visit at the Ecole Politechnique (Host: Prof. B. Equer).

September 1993 U.K. (Cambridge). Invited talk "Non-Linear Hopping Transport in Disordered Materials" at the "15th International Conference on Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors (ICAMS-15)" (Chairman: Prof. E. Davis).
August 1993 U.K.(Glasgow). Invited Talk "Hopping Photoconductivity in Doped Amorphous Semiconductors" at the International Conference "Hopping and Related Phenomena (HRP-6)" (Chairman: Prof. A. Long, University of Glasgow).
July 1993 BELGIUM (Leuven). Invited talk "Transport Energy in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Department of Physics of the Catholic University Leuven (Host: Prof. G.J. Adriaenssens).
February 1993 GERMANY (Marburg). Invited talk "Theoretical Description of Hopping Photoconductivity in Disordered Materials" at the Workshop on Modern Problems in Material Sciences (Host: Prof. W. Fuhs, Marburg University).

September 1992 BELGIUM (Leuven). Invited talk "Relaxation of Excitons in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Department of Physics of the Catholic University Leuven (Host: Prof. G.J. Adriaenssens).
July 1992 GERMANY (Munich). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "International Workshop on Light-Emitting Silicon" (Chairman: Prof. F. Koch, TU Munich).
June 1992 GERMANY (Holzau). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "Workshop on Amorphous Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. Th. Frauenheim, University of Chemnitz).
April 1992 BAHRAIN (Manama). Invited talk "Characterization of Doped Semiconductors with the Photothermal Magnetospectroscopy" at the "International Workshop on Solid State Physics" (Chairman: Dr. W. Alnaser, University of Bahrain).
March 1992 SWITZERLAND (Lausanne, Neuchatel)Invited talks "Characterization of Doped Semiconductors with the Photothermal Magnetospectroscopy and Photoluminescence" and "Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne and the Institute of Microtechnology, University of Neuchâtel, Neuchatel (Hosts: Prof. K. Mashke (Lausanne) and Prof. A. Shah (Neuchatel)).

October 1991 ISRAEL (Haifa). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Seminar of the Solid State Institute of the "Technion" (Host: Prof. K. Weiser).
September 1991 AUSTRIA (Riezlern). Participation in the Seminar on Modern Problems in Material Sciences.
July 1991 ITALY (Rom). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Seminar of the Department of Physics, University La Sapienza, Rome (Host: Prof. F. Evangelisti).

December 1990 U.K. (London). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the International Chelsea Meeting on Amorphous Semiconductors (Chairman: Prof. E. Davis).
December 1990 FRANCE (Paris). Invited talk"Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the Ecole Politechnique (Host: Prof. B. Equer).
December 1990 FRANCE (Strassburg). Contributed presentation "Characterization of Doped Semiconductors with the Photothermal Magnetospectroscopy" at the "Meeting of the European Material Society".
September 1990 THE NETHERLANDS (Amsterdam). Contributed presentation "Characterization of Doped Semiconductors with the Photothermal Magnetospectroscopy" at the "International Conference on Computational Physics".
June 1990 GERMANY (Bad Honnef). Invited talk "Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "Seminar on Amorphous Semiconductors" (Chairman: Prof. P. Thomas).
May 1990 GERMANY (Erlangen). Invited talk "Coulomb Gap in Lightly Doped Semiconductors" at the Colloquium of the Physics Department, University Erlangen-Nurnberg (Hosts: Prof. G. Döhler and Prof. L. Ley).

September 1989 U.S.A. (Raleigh). Invited talk "Characterization of Doped Semiconductors with the Photothermal Magnetospectroscopy" at the Physics Seminar of the North Carolina State University (Raleigh) (Host: Prof. M. Paessler).
September 1989 U.S.A. (Chapel Hill). Invited talk "Theory of the Photoluminescence and Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductors" at the "International Conference on Hopping and Related Phenomena (HRP-3)" (Chairman: Prof. M. Pollak).