
AG Giulia Treccani Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Dep. Systemic Neuroscience

The overall goal of the group is to understand in a mechanistic way:


  • how stress (especially early in life) has long-term effects on brain function and ultimately on behaviour
  • how these effects are encoded at the molecular, cellular and structural level
  • how pharmacological and behavioral interventions can ameliorate or reverse stress-related phenotypes and foster resilience
  • how we can identify individual trait/respone to stress and intervention

To address these questions, we combine various approaches, including translational animal models, animal models for stress-related psychiatric disorders, transgenic mouse strains, behavioral tests, molecular and biochemical techniques, morphological analysis, and neuropharmacology in a highly interdisciplinary and translational approach.

Our long-term goal ist to contribute to a more precise unterstanding of how stress affects and modulates brain function in order to ultimately develop more targeted strategies for the prevention and treatment of stress-related mental disorders.