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Database "Dynastic Marriage Treaties of the Early Modern Period (1500-1800)"

An essential scientific aim of subproject A03 is the database on “Dynastic Marriage Treaties of the Early Modern Period (1500-1800)” which systematically covers all marriage treaties related to royal dynasties in early modern Europe (c. 700). The database’s purpose is to make the contents of the treaties available to researchers, based upon an analytical scheme that had been developed during the first phase of the Collaborative Research Center between 2014 and 2017. Information about the involved dynasties, polities and actors are as well provided as the detailed regulations of the treaties, the participation of the estates, confessional clauses, accompanying articles or references to former conflicts, always with the indication of the treaties’ printed or archival tradition. “Dynastic Marriage Treaties of the Early Modern Period (1500-1800)” thus offers a comprehensive and by a variety of parameters searchable approach to dynastic marriages treaties of the early modern period which constitute an integral part of the early modern law of nations.

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