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Book Series "Politiken der Sicherheit | Politics of Security"

"Security" is a key concept of our time. Security is established as a central objective in almost all policy areas, and no longer only with regard to international relations, domestic security or social security. Against this background, the book series "Politiken der Sicherheit | Politics of Security" takes a look at how concepts and ideas of security have developed throughout history, from pre-modern times to the present. It focuses on the question of how topics became security topics and what political effects this had and has.
The German- and English-language series is aimed at researchers concerned with dynamics of security as well as with discourses and practices of the production and representation of security. It is interdisciplinary and draws on insights from the historical, social, political, and legal sciences. With its focus on historical security studies, the series is theoretically open and connects to a variety of critical research approaches - such as "securitization" or "human security" - from this field.
Members of the Collaborative Research Center as well as interested external scholars are explicitly invited to publish monographs - also qualification papers - as well as thematic issues and anthologies that offer thematic points of contact in the series.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Volumes published in the series to date
Volume 1
Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention
Thorsten Bonacker/Werner Distler/Maria Ketzmerick (Hrsg.)
Volume 2
Carola Westermeier/Horst Carl (Hrsg.)
Volume 3
„Security turns its eye exclusively to the future“. Zum Verhältnis von Sicherheit und Zukunft in der Geschichte
Christoph Kampmann/Angela Marciniak/Wencke Meteling (Hrsg.)
Volume 4
Sichtbar und sicher: Wohnhöfe des Adels in Münster in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts
Katharina Krause
Volume 5
Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization. Beyond State and International System
Regina Kreide/Andreas Langenohl (Hrsg.)
Volume 6
Sicherheitsprobleme im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert - Bedrohungen, Konzepte, Ambivalenzen
Horst Carl/Rainer Babel/Christoph Kampmann (Hrsg.)
Volume 7
Das Recht in die eigene Hand nehmen? Rechtliche, soziale und theologische Diskurse über Selbstjustiz und Rache
Christine Reinle, Anna-Lena Wendel (Hrsg.)
Volume 8
Exportsicherheit. Deutschlands Rückkehr auf den Weltmarkt und die „Causa Brasilien“.
Simone Breimhorst
Volume 9
Recht zur Intervention – Pflicht zur Intervention? Zum Verhältnis von Schutzverantwortung, Reputation und Sicherheit in der Frühen Neuzeit
Christoph Kampmann, Julian Katz, Christian Wenzel (Hrsg.)
Volume 10
Sicherheit und Differenz in historischer Perspektive
Sigrid Ruby/Anja Krause (Hrsg.)
Volume 11
Gefährliche Bilder
Katharina KrauseInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Books published in cooperation with the book series
Security and Insecurity in Business History. Case Studies in the Perception and Negotiation of Threats
Mark Jakob, Nina Kleinöder, Christian KleinschmidtInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Editorship
The book series is edited by the following members of the Collaborative Research Center:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker
Prof. Dr. Horst Carl
Prof. Dr. Eckart Conze
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kampmann
Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide
Dr. Angela MarciniakInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Information on the publication process
If you are interested in a publication in the series, please send the print manuscript in digital form to the managing editor Prof. Dr. Christoph Kampmann. He will also be happy to answer any questions regarding the planned publication.
Is the publication a qualification paper such as a dissertation or habilitation? In this case, we additionally ask you to send us the expert opinions.