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Ongoing Grants:
Title Sub-project of Weblinks
Temporal encoding during eye movements in macaque visual cortex FOR 1847 DFG, FOR 1847
Prediction of position and motion during saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements      SFB TRR 135 A1 DFG, SFB
Predictive encoding of self-motion information in the primate brain SFB TRR 135 A2 DFG, SFB
Canadian-German Graduate Program
IRTG 1901 BrainAct

Completed Grants:

Multisensorische Wahrnehmung während Augenbewegungen                   FOR 560 DFG
Sakkadensteuerung bei Primaten: ein Vergleich mittels fMRT Untersuchungen am Menschen und Einzelzellableitungen am Parietalcortex des Makaken DFG
Verarbeitung visueller Raum- und Bewegungsinformation im Parietalcortex des Primaten SFB 509 DFG
Graduiertenkolleg Gehirn und Verhalten (NeuroAct) GRK 885 NeuroAct DFG

Ongoing Grants:


PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions (PLATYPUS) Platypus-Rise

Completed Grants:

Optic flow perception in the elderly EC

Ongoing Grants:
DIagnostic system for brAin Diseases using non-invasive Eye-movement Measurements (DIADEM)

Completed Grants:
The Retina Implant project was supported by BMBF, LOEWE and the EpiRet GmbH.

The Volkswagen Stiftung supported the European Summer School Rauischholzhausen