21.02.2023 New Publication: The effect of Islamic revolution and war on income inequality in Iran
How did the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79 and the subsequent Iran-Iraq War from 1980 to 1988 affect the levels of income inequality in Iran? Would income inequality have developed differently in Iran if the revolution and war had never occurred? How significant was the effect of the revolution and war in reducing income inequality in Iran?

In a new open-access study published in Empirical Economics, Mohammad Reza Farzanegan and Mohammad Ali Kadivar investigate these questions and find a sizable decreasing effect of revolution and war on income inequality in Iran.
The study estimates the counterfactual Iran, making it possible to measure the causal impact of revolution and war on income inequality. It also contributes to quantitative studies on Middle Eastern contentious politics after the Arab Spring. The study showcases the potential of using the synthetic control method to analyze the effect of revolution and war on income inequality in other regions.
To read the full paper see: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-023-02365-2
A shorter version of the study in German is available at: https://www.oekonomenstimme.org/artikel/2022/03/die-auswirkungen-der-islamischen-revolution-und-des-iran-irak-krieges-auf-die-einkommensungleichheit-im-iran/
Cite the study as:
Farzanegan, M.R., Kadivar, M.A. (2023). The effect of Islamic revolution and war on income inequality in Iran. Empirical Economics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-023-02365-2
Prof. Dr. M.R. Farzanegan