26.05.2023 Exploring the Political Economy of Sanctions on Iran: Prof. Farzanegan's Talk at the Hamburg Lectures in Law and Economics
Prof. Farzanegan will be delivering a talk titled "Exploring the Political Economy of Sanctions on Iran: Insights from Empirical Studies." Date: Wednesday, 31 May 2023 Time: 6.15 pm CEST Place: Room 110 at the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE), Johnsallee 35, 20148 Hamburg & Online

In this lecture, Prof. Farzanegan will provide an overview of the socio-economic effects of sanctions in Iran, with a particular focus on those imposed during the Obama and Trump administrations. Drawing from empirical studies, he will discuss the challenges of isolating the impacts of sanctions and evaluate recent methodological approaches used to measure their causal effects. The talk will delve into the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of Iran sanctions, as well as touch upon the political, social, and environmental consequences, drawing upon the relevant literature.
The lecture will be held in a hybrid format, offering both in-person attendance and online participation via Zoom. For those joining us in person, the venue is Room 110 at the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE), conveniently located at Johnsallee 35, 20148 Hamburg.
Alternatively, participants can join the lecture remotely through the provided Zoom link. To register for online participation, please click on the following link and fill in the necessary information. Alternatively, you may send an email to yasmin.seyrafian@ile-hamburg.de. Registered participants will receive an email with the access link prior to the lecture.
We encourage all interested individuals to attend this lecture and gain valuable insights into the political economy of sanctions on Iran. For more information about this semester's Hamburg Lecture Series and the updated program, kindly click here .
We look forward to your presence at this intellectually stimulating event!
Prof. Farzanegan