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North America

Indigenous North America is one of the ethnographically best researched regions in the world and has played an important role in the evolution of theoretical debates, particularly in U.S. Cultural Anthropology, the regional focus is, however, almost absent from German anthropological research institutions. At the division of Cultural and Social Anthropology in Marburg, PD Dr. Ingo W. Schröder represents the anthropology of North America. Dr. Schröder has been exploring the political economies of indigenous societies in the southwest of the United States since 1997, and he regularly includes North America in his lectures and seminars. The high-quality archaeological, ethnohistorical and ethnographic research that is available for North America makes it possible to study the struggle between indigenous societies and their Euro-American and Euro-Canadian colonizers with a historical depth as is rarely possible for other regions in the world. Moreover, the evolution of Indigenous political organizations (since the beginning of the 20th century), the practice of history and identity politics, and the intellectual discussion of the decolonization topic in North America have had a significant impact on comparable processes among Indigenous societies in other parts of the world.