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Bachelor in Sociology

Welcome to the webpages of the BA degree program in Sociology (starting in winter semester 2018/19).

Find out more about studying sociology in Marburg and get acquainted with the bachelor degree program in Sociology at the Philipps University. You will find all required information for the academic program profile, study requirements and overviews explaining how the subject is structured, and good reasons why it makes sense to choose the Philipps University of Marburg as your future study location.

Content of the Academic Program

The bachelor degree program in Sociology is an entry job-qualifying degree in Social Sciences. The academic program is subdivided into five fields that include the required basic and advanced modules, required electives with in-depth and profile modules that offer integrated practice and career orientations, as well as a final module that includes the bachelor’s thesis.

The program is designed for six semesters and comprises:

  • Education in the fundamentals of Social Science
  • Qualification in theories of Social Science that are taught with an emphasis toward application in specific career fields
  • Qualification in analyzing and managing specific social issues and questions as well as conflict analysis and conflict management
  • A focus on practice-related methodological education that specifically meets the requirements for assistants, project managers or advisers in consulting roles
  • International integrability of academic contents that permits and encourages a career orientation across national borders