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Pauline Junginger, M.A.

Affiliation & Contact
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Profile (Institute of Media Studies)
E-Mail: pauline.junginger[at]
Twitter: @p_junginger
Research Areas
Media Studies, Feminist Theory, Digital Humanities, Data Visualization, Science and Technology Studies.
Pauline Junginger works as a research assistant at the BMBF research group "Aesthetics of Access. Visualizing Research Data on Women in Film History" (DAVIF). In this context, she also pursues her doctoral thesis. She holds a Master's Degree in European Media Studies from the University of Potsdam and a Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Work and Arts Management (Kulturarbeit) from FH Potsdam. While doing her Master, she was involved in a research project in the context of ”Visualizing Cultural Collections“. As part of an interdisciplinary team she developed a visualization technique for exploring image collections: the Close-up Cloud. Before joining DAVIF, she worked as a trainee and junior project manager at the German Informatics Society supporting projects in the fields of AI, graphical modelling and research data management. At the research group, she currently supports the PI in the areas of public relations and cooperations.