Main Content
  1. Parametrization of the charge-carrier mobility in organic disordered semiconductors
    Sergei D. Baranovskii, Alexey V. Nenashev, Dirk Hertel, Klaus Meerholz, and Florian Gebhard
    Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014019 (2024) .
  2. Second Wilson number from third-order perturbation theory for the symmetric single-impurity Kondo model at low temperatures
    Kevin Bauerbach and  Florian Gebhard, J. Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT) 043102 (2024).
  3. Computation of the Spatial Distribution of Charge-Carrier Density in Disordered Media
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Florian Gebhard, Klaus Meerholz, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Entropy 26, 356 (2024).
  4. Generic Mott-Hubbard phase diagram for extended Hubbard models without Umklapp scattering
    Florian Gebhard, Kevin Bauerbach, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 108, 205130 (2023).
  5. Quantum states in disordered media. I. Low-pass filter approach
    Florian Gebhard, Alexey V. Nenashev, Klaus Meerholz, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 107, 064206 (2023).
  6. Quantum states in disordered media. II. Spatial charge carrier distribution
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Sergei D. Baranovskii, Klaus Meerholz, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 107, 064207 (2023).
  7. Accurate localization of Kosterlitz-Thouless-type quantum phase transitions for one-dimensional spinless fermions
    Florian Gebhard, Kevin Bauerbach, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 106, 205133 (2022). (Editors' Suggestion)
  8. Comment on “Interplay of Structural and Optoelectronic Properties in Formamidinium Mixed Tin-Lead Triiodide Perovskites”
    Sergei D. Baranovskii, Pauline Höhbusch, Alexey V. Nenashev, Anatolii V. Dvurechenskii, Marina Gerhard, Dirk Hertel, Klaus Meerholz, Martin Koch, Florian Gebhard, Advanced Functional Materials 2201309 (2022).
  9. Tracing the Mott-Hubbard transition in one-dimensional Hubbard models without Umklapp scattering
    Florian Gebhard and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 104, 245118 (2021).
  10. Energy scaling of compositional disorder in ternary transition-metaldichalgonide monolayers
    Hilary Masenda, Loreny Maximilian Schneider, Mohammed Adel Aly, Shachi Jayant Machchhar, Arslan Usman, Klaus Meeholz, Florian Gebhard, Sergei. D. Baranovskii, and Martin Koch
    Advaned Electronic Materials 2021, 2100196 (2021).
  11. Tunneling current modulation in atomically precise graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions
    Boris V. Senkovskiy, Alexey V. Nenashev, Seyed K. Alavi, Yannic Falke, Martin Hell, Pantelis Bampoulis, Dmitry V. Rybkovskiy, Dmitry Yu. Usachov, Alexander V. Fedorov, Alexander I. Chernov, Florian Gebhard, Klaus Meerholz, Dirk Hertel, Masashi Arita, Taichi Okuda, Koji Miyamoto, Kenya Shimada, Felix R. Fischer, Thomas Michely, Sergei D. Baranovskii, Klas Lindfors, Thomas Szkopek, and Alexander Grüneis 
    Nature Communications 12, Article number: 2542 (2021).
  12. Parametrization of the Gaussian Disorder Model to Account for the High Carrier Mobility in Disordered Organic Transistors
    Yongjeong Lee, Sungyeop Jung, Andrew Plews, Ahmed Nejim, Olivier Simonetti, Louis Giraudet, Sergei D. Baranovskii, Florian Gebhard, Klaus Meerholz, Sungjune Jung, Gilles Horowitz, and Yvan Bonnassieux, Phys. Rev. Appl. 15, 024021 (2021).
  13. Thermodynamics and Screening in the Ising-Kondo Model
    Kevin Bauerbach, Zakaria M.M. Mahmoud, and Florian Gebhard, phys. stat. sol. (b) 257, 202000367 (2020).
  14. Comment on "Charge transport in disordered semiconducting polymers driven by nuclear tunneling"
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 102, 066201 (2020).
  15. Symmetric single-impurity Kondo model on a tight-binding chain: Comparison of analytical and numerical ground-state approaches
    Gergely Barcza, Kevin Bauerbach, Fabian Eickhoff, Frithjof B. Anders, Florian Gebhard, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 101, 075132 (2020). (Editors' Suggestion)
  16. Percolation description of charge transport in the random barier model applied to amorphous oxide semiconductors
    Sergei D. Baranovskii, Alexey V. Nenashev, Jan-Oliver Oelerich, Sonja H.M. Greiner, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, and Florian Gebhard, Europhys. Lett. 127, 57004 (2019).
  17. Percolation description of charge transport in amorphous oxide semiconductors
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Jan-Oliver Oelerich, Sonja H.M. Greiner, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 100, 125202 (2019).
  18. Ground-state properties of the symmetric single-impurity Anderson model on a ring from density-matrix renormalization group, Hartree-Fock, and Gutzwiller theory
    Gergely Barcza, Florian Gebhard, Thorben Linneweber, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 99, (2019).
  19. Non-interacting symmetric single-impurity Anderson model on a lattice at finite temperatures
    Zakaria M.M. Mahmoud and Florian Gebhard, phys. stat. sol. (b) 256, 1800670 (2019).
  20. Field-enhanced mobility in the multiple-trapping regime
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Jan-Oliver Oelerich, Kakhaber Jandieri, Vitali V. Valkovskii, Oleksii Semeniuk, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, Gytis Juška, Alla Reznik, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 98, 035201 (2018).
  21. Rethinking the theoretical description of photoluminescence in compound semiconductors
    Viltali Valkovskii, Kakhaber Jandieri, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranosvskii, J. Apl. Phys. 123, 055703 (2018).
  22. Field dependence of hopping mobility: Lattice models against spatial disorder
    Jan-Oliver Oelerich, Alexey V. Nenashev, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 96, 195208 (2017).
  23. Gutzwiller variational approach to the two-impurity Anderson model for a metallic host at particle-hole symmetry
    Thorben Linneweber, Jörg Bünemann, Zakaria M.M. Mahmoud, and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 445603 (2017).
  24. Fundamental characteristic length scale for the field dependence of hopping charge transport in disordered organic semiconductors
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Jan-Oliver Oelerich, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 96, 035204 (2017).
  25. Non-interacting two-impurity Anderson model on a lattice at particle-hole symmetry
    Zakaria M.M. Mahmoud, Jörg Bünemann and Florian Gebhard, phys. stat. sol (b) 254, 1600842 (2017).
  26. Coulomb matrix elements in multi-orbital Hubbard models
    Jörg Bünemann and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 29, 165601 (2017).
  27. Analytical theory for charge carrier recombination in blend organic solar cells
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Martin Wiemer, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Leonid V. Kulik, Alexander B. Pevtsov, Florian Gebhard, Martin Koch, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 95, 104207 (2017).
  28. Optical phonons for Peierls chains with long-range Coulomb interactions
    Máté Timar, Gergely Barcza, Florian Gebhard, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 95, 085150 (2017).
  29. Exchange couplings for Mn ions in CdTe: Validity of spin models for dilute magnetic II-VI semiconductors
    Thorben Linneweber, Jörg Bünemann, Ute Löw, Florian Gebhard, and Frithjof Anders, Phys. Rev. B 95, 045134 (2017).
  30. Approximation schemes for the study of multi-band Gutzwiller wave functions
    Jörg Bünemann, Thorben Linneweber, and Florian Gebhard, phys. stat. sol. (b) 254, 1600166 (2017).
  31. Disorder-induced absorption of far-infrared waves by acoustic modes in nematic liquid crystals
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Martin Wiemer, Martin Koch, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, J. Apl. Phys. 120, 074901 (2016).
  32. Band edge smearing due to compositional disorder in multi-component d-dimensional alloys
    Martin Wiemer, Kakhaber Jandieri, Martin Koch, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, phys. stat. sol. rapid research letters 12, 911 (2016).
  33. Interplay of Coulomb interaction and spin-orbit coupling
    Jörg Bünemann, Thorben Linneweber, Ute Löw, Frithjof B. Anders, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035116 (2016).
  34. Hückel-Hubbard-Ohno modeling of pi-bonds in ethene and ethyne with application to trans-polyacetylene
    Máté Timar, Gergely Barcza, Florian Gebhard, Libor Veis, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 18835 (2016).
  35. Why the apparent order of bimolecular recombination in blend organic solar cells can be larger than two: a topological consideration
    Alexey V. Nenashev, Martin Wiemer, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, Martin Koch, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Apl. Phys. Lett. 109, 033301 (2016).
  36. Quasiparticle bands and structural phase transition of iron from Gutzwiller density-functional theory
    Tobias Schickling, Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, and Lilia Boeri, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205151 (2016).
  37. Noninteracting single-impurity Anderson model: solution without the equation-of-motion method
    Zakaria M.M. Mahmoud and Florian Gebhard, Ann. Physik (Berlin) 527, 794 (2015).
  38. Scaling description of positive magnetoresistivity in doped dilute magnetic semiconductors
    Alexei V. Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Steve Petznik, Martin Wiemer, Peter J. Klar, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, J. Magn. Magn. Materials 383, 44 (2015).
  39. Gutzwiller density functional theory: a formal derivation and application to nickel
    Tobias Schickling, Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, and Werner Weber, New J. Phys. 16, 093034 (2014).
  40. Large positive magnetoresistance effects in the dilute magnetic semiconductor (Zn,Mn)Se in the regime of electron hopping
    Fredrik Jansson, Martin Wiemer, Alexei V. Nenashev, Steve Petznick, Peter J. Klar, Michael Hetterich, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, J. Apl. Phys. 116, 083710 (2014).
  41. Theory to carrier recombination in organic disordered semiconductors
    Andreas Hofacker, Jan Oliver Oelerich, Alexei V. Nenashev, Florian Gebhard and Sergei D. Baranovskii, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 223713 (2014).
  42. Dynamical correlation functions for the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard insulator
    Kevin zu Münster, Florian Gebhard, Satoshi Ejima, and Holger Fehske, Phys. Rev. A 89, 063623 (2014).
  43. Energy position of the transport path in disordered organic semiconductors
    Jan Oliver Oelerich, Fredrik Jansson, Alexei V. Nenashev, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 26, 255801 (2014).
  44. One-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with local three-body interactions
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Lange, Holger Fehske, Florian Gebhard and Kevin zu Münster, Phys. Rev. A 88, 063625 (2013).
  45. Scaling approach to hopping magnetoresistivity in dilute magnetic semiconductors
    Alexei V. Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Martin Wiemer, Peter J. Klar, Michael Hetterich, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 88, 115210 (2013).
  46. Advanced percolation solution for hopping conductivity
    Alexei V. Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Jan-Oliver Oelerich, Daniel Huemmer, Anatoli V. Dvurechenskii, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235204 (2013).
  47. Nonexponential photoluminescence transients in a Ga(NAsP) lattice matched to a (001) silicon substrate
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Bernadette Kunert, Sven Liebich, Martin Zimprich, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Sergei D. Baranovskii, Nektarios Koukourakis, Nils C. Gerhardt, and Martin R. Hofmann, Phys. Rev. B 87, 035303 (2013).
  48. Closed and Open System Dynamics in a Fermionic Chain with a Microscopically Specified Bath: Relaxation and Thermalization
    Nicholas Sedlmayr, Jie Ren, Florian Gebhard, and Jesko Sirker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 100406 (2013).
  49. Excited states in polydiacetylene chains: A density matrix renormalization group study
    Gergely Barcza, William Barford, Florian Gebhard, and Örs Legeza, Phys. Rev. B 87, 245116 (2013).
  50. Nonexponential photoluminescence transients in a Ga(NAsP) lattice matched to a (001) silicon substrate
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Bernadette Kunert, Sven Liebich, Martin Zimprich, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Sergei D. Baranovskii, Nektarios Koukourakis, Nils C. Gerhardt, and Martin R. Hofmann, Phys. Rev. B 87, 035303 (2013).
  51. Double-scaled disorder in Ga(N,As,P)/GaP multiquantum wells
    Christian Karcher, Kakhaber Jandieri, Bernadette Kunert, Raphael Fritz, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Sergei D. Baranovskii, and Wolfram Heimbrodt, J. Lumin. 133, 125 (2013).
  52. Energy scaling of compositional disorder in Ga(N,P,As)/GaP quantum well structures
    Kakhaber Jandieri, M. Khaled Shakfa, Sven Liebich, Martin Zimprich, Bernadette Kunert, Christian Karcher, Alexey Chernikov, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Martin Koch, Sangam Chatterjee, Wolfram Heimbrodt, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei D. Baranovskii, Phys. Rev. B 86, 125318 (2012).
  53. Numerical minimisation of Gutzwiller energy functionals
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, Tobias Schickling, and Werner Weber, phys. stat. sol. (b) 249, 1282 (2012).
  54. Characterization of Mott-insulating and superfluid phases in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
    Satoshi Ejima, Holger Fehske, Florian Gebhard, Kevin zu Münster, Michael Knap, Enrico Arrigoni, and Wolfang von der Linden, Phys. Rev. A 85, 053644 (2012).
  55. Calculating the Efficiency of Exciton Dissociation at the Interface between a Conjugated Polymer and an Electron Acceptor
    Sergei Baranovskii, Martin Wiemer, Alexei V. Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 1214 (2012).
  56. Particle injection into a chain: decoherence versus relaxation for Hermitian and non-Hermitian dynamics
    Florian Gebhard, Kevin zu Münster, Jie Ren, Nicholas Sedlmayr, Jesko Sirker, and Benedikt Ziebarth, Annalen der Physik (Berlin) 524, 286 (2012).
  57. Variational study of Fermi surface deformations in Hubbard models
    Jörg Bünemann, Tobias Schickling, and Florian Gebhard, Europhys. Lett. 98, 27006 (2012).
  58. Non-Onsager mechanism of long-wave photogeneration in amorphous selenium at high electric fields
    Alla Reznik, Kakhaber Jandieri, Florian Gebhard, and Sergei Baranovskii, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 132101 (2012).
  59. Gutzwiller Theory of Band Magnetism in LaOFeAs
    Tobias Schickling, Florian Gebhard, Jörg Bünemann, Lilia Boeri, Ole K. Andersen, and Werner Weber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 036406 (2012).
  60. Theory of exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor
    Alexej Nenashev, Sergei Baranovskii, Martin Wiemer, Fredrik Jansson, Ronald Österbacka, Anatolii Dvurechenskii, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 84, 035210 (2011).
  61. Relaxation of ideal classical particles in a one-dimensional box
    Florian Gebhard and Kevin zu Münster, Annalen der Physik (Berlin) 523, 552 (2011).
  62. Antiferromagnetic order in multiband Hubbard models for iron pnictides
    Tobias Schickling, Florian Gebhard, and Jörg Bünemann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 146402 (2011).
  63. Hopping relaxation of photo-excited excitons in Ga(NAsP) bulk structure
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Christoph Jurecka, Jens Ohlmann, Andreas Beyer, Bernadette Kunert, Sergei Baranovskii, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, and Florian Gebhard, phys. stat. sol. (c) 8, 163 (2011).
  64. Dynamic properties of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model
    Satoshi Ejima, Holger Fehske, and Florian Gebhard, Europhys. Lett. 93, 30002 (2011).
  65. Strong-coupling approach to the Mott-Hubbard insulator on a Bethe lattice in dynamical mean-field theory
    Daniel Ruhl and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 83, 035120 (2011).
  66. Peculiarities of the photoluminescence of metastable Ga(N,As,P)/GaP quantum well structures
    Christian Karcher, Kakhaber Jandieri, Bernadette Kunert, Rafael Fritz, Martin Zimprich, Kerstin Volz, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Sergei Baranovskii, and Wolfram Heimbrodt, Phys. Rev. B 82, 245309 (2010).
  67. Role of diffusion in two-dimensional bimolecular recombination
    Alexej Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Sergei Baranovskii, Ronald Österbacka, Anatolii Dvurechenskii, and Florian Gebhard, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 213304 (2010).
  68. Effect of electric field on diffusion in disordered materials. II. Two- and three-dimensional hopping transport
    Alexej Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Sergei Baranovskii, Ronald Österbacka, Anatolii Dvurechenskii, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115204 (2010).
  69. Effect of electric field on diffusion in disordered materials. I. One-dimensional hopping transport
    Alexej Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Sergei Baranovskii, Ronald Österbacka, Anatolii Dvurechenskii, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115203 (2010).
  70. Negative differential conductivity in the hopping transport model
    Fredrik Jansson, Alexej Nenashev, Sergei Baranovskii, Florian Gebhard, and Ronald Österbacka, phys. stat. sol. (a) 207, 613 (2010).
  71. Density matrix renormalization group study of excitons in polydiacetylene chains
    Gergely Barcza,  Örs Legeza, Florian Gebhard, and Reinhard Noack, Phys. Rev. B 81, 045103 (2010).
  72. Effect of electric field on diffusion in disordered materials
    Fredrik Jansson, Alexej Nenashev, Sergei Baranovskii, Florian Gebhard, and Ronald Österbacka, Ann. Physik (Berlin) 18, 856 (2009).
  73. Fluctuations of the peak current of tunnel diodes in multi-junction solar cells
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Sergei Baranovskii, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Wolfgang Guter, Martin Hermle, and Andreas Bett, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 155101 (2009).
  74. Renormalization of bulk magnetic electron states at high binding energies
    Andreas Hofmann, Xiaoyu Cui, Jörg Schäfer, Sebastian Meyer, Philipp Höpfner, Christian Blumenstein, Markus Paul, Luc Patthey, Eli Rotenberg, Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, Torsten Ohm, Werner Weber, and Ralph Claessen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 187204 (2009).
  75. Gutzwiller wave function
    Florian Gebhard and Martin Gutzwiller, Scholarpedia, 4(4):7288 (2009).
  76. Influence of disorder on electrically and optically detected electron spin nutation
    Christoph Michel, Aric Gliesche, Sergei Baranovski, Klaus Lips, Florian Gebhard, and Christoph Boehme, Phys. Rev. B 79, 052201 (2009).
  77. Spin-orbit coupling in ferromagnetic nickel
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, Torsten Ohm, Stefan Weiser, and Werner Weber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 236404 (2008).
  78. Random dispersion approximation for the Hubbard model
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Reinhard M. Noack, Eur. Phys. J. B 66, 191 (2008).
  79. Hopping conduction in strong electric fields: Negative dfferential conductivity
    Alexej Nenashev, Fredrik Jansson, Sergei Baranovskii, Ronald Österbacka, Anatolii Dvurechenskii, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 78, 165207 (2008).
  80. Phase diagram of the t-U-J1-J2 chain at half filling
    Xiao-Xuan Huang, Edina Szirmai, Florian Gebhard, Jenö Sólyom, and Reinhard M. Noack, Phys. Rev. B 78, 085128 (2008).
  81. Effective temperature for hopping transport in a Gaussian DOS
    Fredrik Jansson, Sergei Baranovskii, Florian Gebhard, and Ronald Österbacka, Phys. Rev. B 77, 195211 (2008).
  82. Effect of exchange coupling on coherently controlled spin-dependent transition rates
    Aric Gliesche, Christoph Michel, Vedran Rajevac, Klaus Lips, Sergei Baranovskii, Florian Gebhard, and Christoph Boehme, Phys. Rev. B 77,  245206 (2008).
  83. Resonant electron tunneling through defects in tunnel diodes
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Sergei Baranovskii, Oleg Rubel, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Wolfgang Guter, Martin Hermle, and Andreas Bett, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 094506 (2008).
  84. Analytical theory for favorable defects in tunnel diodes
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Sergei Baranovskii, Wolfgang Stolz, and Florian Gebhard, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 114511 (2008).
  85. Resonant tunneling as a dominant transport mechanism in n-GaAs/p-GaAs tunnel diodes
    Kakhaber Jandieri, Sergei Baranovskii, Oleg Rubel, Wolfgang Stolz, Florian Gebhard, Wolfgang Guter, Martin Hermle, and Andreas Bett, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 243504  (2008).
  86. Exact solution for hopping dissociation of germinate electron-hole pairs in a disordered chain
    Oleg Rubel, Sergei Baranovskii, Wolfgang Stolz, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 196602 (2008).
  87. To the Kinetics of Photoinduced Volume Changes in Chalcogenide Glasses
    Rozalia Lukacs, Sergei Baranovskii, Peter Thomas, and Florian Gebhard, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 093541 (2008).
  88. Hybridization in Hubbard models with different bandwidths
    Jörg Bünemann, David Rasch, and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 436206 (2007).
  89. Orbital order in degenerate Hubbard models: a variational study
    Jörg Bünemann, Katalin Javorne-Radnóczi, Patrik Fazekas, and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 19, 326217 (2007).
  90. Buchveröffentlichung: Physik Formelsammlung
    Peter Kurzweil, Bernhard Frenzel und Florian Gebhard (TeubnerVieweg, 384 S., 2007).
  91. Equivalence of Gutzwiller and slave-boson mean-field theories for multiband Hubbard models
    Jörg Bünemann and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 76, 193104 (2007).
  92. Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with hopping dimerization
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Satoshi Nishimoto, Physica C 460-462, 1079 (2007).
  93. Luttinger liquid exponent in the vicinity of charge density wave instabilities
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Satoshi Nishimoto, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 310, 996 (2007).
  94. Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters and spin excitations in the dimerized extended Hubbard model
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Satoshi Nishimoto, Phys. Rev. B 74, 245110 (2006).
  95. Entanglement production by independent quantum channels
    Örs Legeza, Florian Gebhard, and Jörg Rissler, Phys. Rev. B 74, 195112 (2006).
  96. Accurate calculation of the Tomonaga-Luttinger parameter using the density-matrix renormalization group
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Satoshi Nishimoto, Physica B 378-380, 304 (2006).
  97. Thermodynamics of the half-filled Hubbard model in the spin-disordered regime
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Fabian Essler, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, 4845 (2006).
  98. Gutzwiller wave functions for correlated electrons: theory and applications
    Florian Gebhard, Phil. Mag. 86, 1847 (2006).
  99. Brueckner–Goldstone perturbation theory for the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions
    Daniel Ruhl and Florian Gebhard, J. Stat. Mech. Exp. Theor. P03015 (2006).
  100. Perturbation theory for optical excitations in the one-dimensional extended Peierls-Hubbard model
    Anja Grage, Florian Gebhard, and Jörg Rissler, J. Stat. Mech. Exp. Theor. P08009 (2005).
  101. Gutzwiller variational theory for the Hubbard model with attractive interaction
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, Katalin Radnóczi, and Patrik Fazekas, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 17, 3807 (2005).
  102. Optical excitations of Peierls-Mott insulators with bond disorder
    Jörg Rissler, Florian Gebhard, and Eric Jeckelmann, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 17, 4093 (2005).
  103. Phase diagram of the t-U-V1-V2 model at quarter filling
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, Satoshi Nishimoto, and Yukinori Ohta, Phys. Rev. B 72, 033101 (2005).
  104. Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for doped Mott insulators
    Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, and Satoshi Nishimoto, Europhys. Lett. 70, 492 (2005).
  105. Gutzwiller-correlated wave functions: application to ferromagnetic nickel
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, Torsten Ohm, Stefan Weiser, and Werner Weber, in
    Frontiers in Magnetic Materials, ed. by A.V. Narlikar (Springer, Berlin, 2005), pp. 117-151.
  106. Ginzburg-Landau equations and boundary conditions for superconductors in static magnetic fields
    Jörg Bünemann and Florian Gebhard, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 14, 281 (2005).
  107. Macroscopic Aharonov-Bohm effect in type-I superconductors
    Catrin Ellenberger, Florian Gebhard, and Wolfgang Bestgen, Europhys. Lett. 69, 431 (2005).
  108. Spectral Function of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model away from Half Filling
    Holger Benthien, Florian Gebhard, and Eric Jeckelmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 256401 (2004).
  109. Dynamical density-matrix renormalization group for the Mott-Hubbard insulator in high dimensions
    Satoshi Nishimoto, Florian Gebhard, and Eric Jeckelmann, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 16, 7063 (2004).
  110. Fourth-Order Perturbation Theory for the Half-Filled Hubbard Model in Infinite Dimensions
    Florian Gebhard, Eric Jeckelmann, Sandra Mahlert, Satoshi Nishimoto, and Reinhard M. Noack, Eur. Phys. J. B 36, 491 (2003).
  111. Analytical and Numerical Treatment of the Mott-Hubbard Insulator in Infinite Dimensions
    Michael P. Eastwood, Florian Gebhard, Eva Kalinowski, Satoshi Nishimoto, and Reinhard M. Noack, Eur. Phys. J. B 35, 155 (2003).
  112. Atomic correlations in itinerant ferromagnets: Quasi-particle bands of nickel
    J. Bünemann, F. Gebhard, T. Ohm, R. Umstätter, S. Weiser, W. Weber, R. Claessen, D. Ehm, A. Harasawa, A. Kakizaki, A. Kimura, G. Nicolay, S. Shin, and V.N. Strocov, Europhys. Lett. 61, 667 (2003).
  113. Landau-Gutzwiller quasiparticles
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, and Rüdiger Thul, Phys. Rev. B 67, 075103 (2003).
  114. Application of the density matrix renormalization group in momentum space
    Satoshi Nishimoto, Eric Jeckelmann, Florian Gebhard, and Reinhard M. Noack, Phys. Rev. B 65, 165114 (2002).
  115. Mott-Hubbard insulator in infinite dimensions
    Eva Kalinowski and Florian Gebhard, J. Low Temp. Phys. 126, 979 (2002).
  116. Random-phase approximation for multi-band Hubbard models
    Jörg Bünemann and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13, 9985 (2001).
  117. On the Way to a Gutzwiller Density Functional Theory
    Werner Weber, Jörg Bünemann, and Florian Gebhard, in Band ferromagnetism: ground-state and finite-temperature phenomena, edited by K. Baberschke, M. Donath, and W. Nolting (Springer, Berlin, 2001), pp. 9-26.
  118. Excitons in one-dimensional Mott insulators
    Fabian H.L. Essler, Florian Gebhard, and Eric Jeckelmann, Phys. Rev. B 64, 125119 (2001).
  119. Excited states of ladder-type poly-p-phenylene oligomers
    Jörg Rissler, Heinz Bässler, Florian Gebhard, and Peter Schwerdtfeger, Phys. Rev. B 64, 045122 (2001).
  120. Multi-band Gutzwiller wave functions for itinerant ferromagnetism
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, and Werner Weber, Found. of Physics 30, 2011 (2000).
  121. Optical conductivity of the half-filled Hubbard chain
    Eric Jeckelmann, Florian Gebhard, and Fabian H.L. Essler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3910 (2000).
  122. Mott-Hubbard transition in infinite dimensions
    Reinhard M. Noack and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1915 (1999).
  123. Multi-band Gutzwiller wave functions for general on-site interactions
    Jörg Bünemann, Werner Weber, and Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 57, 6896 (1998).
  124. Gutzwiller-correlated wave functions for degenerate bands: exact results in infinite dimensions
    Jörg Bünemann, Florian Gebhard, and Werner Weber, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 9, 7343 (1997).
  125. Monograph: The Mott Metal-Insulator Transition - Models and Methods
    Florian Gebhard, Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 137, (Springer, Heidelberg, March 1997; 318 + xiv pages, 38 figures).
  126. Optical absorption of strongly correlated half-filled Mott-Hubbard chains
    Florian Gebhard, Klaus Bott, Michael Scheidler, Peter Thomas, and Stephan W. Koch, Phil. Mag. B 75, 47 (1997).
  127. Exact results for the optical absorption of strongly correlated electrons in a half-filled Peierls-distorted chain
    Florian Gebhard, Klaus Bott, Michael Scheidler, Peter Thomas, and Stephan W. Koch, Phil. Mag. B 75, 13 (1997).
  128. Optical absorption of non-interacting tight-binding electrons in a Peierls-distorted chain at half band-filling
    Florian Gebhard, Klaus Bott, Michael Scheidler, Peter Thomas, and Stephan W. Koch, Phil. Mag. B 75, 1 (1997).
  129. Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz Results for a Hubbard Chain with 1/sinh-Hopping
    Pierre-Antoine Bares and Florian Gebhard, Contribution to the International Euroconference on Magnetic Correlations, Metal-Insulator Transitions, and Superconductivity in Novel Materials, Würzburg, Germany, 1994; J. Low Temp. Phys. 99, 565 (1995).
  130. Critical exponents for a one-dimensional Hubbard model with 1/sinh-Hopping
    Pierre-Antoine Bares and Florian Gebhard, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 7, 2285 (1995).
  131. Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz Results for a Hubbard Chain with 1/sinh-Hopping
    Pierre-Antoine Bares and Florian Gebhard, Europhys. Lett. 29, 573 (1995).
  132. Thermodynamical Properties of the Exactly Solvable 1/r-Hubbard- and 1/r-tJ-Model
    Florian Gebhard in The Hubbard Model: Its Physics and Mathematical Physics, edited by Dionys Baeriswyl et al., Plenum Press, New York (NATO ASI Series B: Physics, volume 343), pp. 29-38 (1995).
  133. Charge and Spin Gap Formation in Exactly Solvable Hubbard Chains with Long-Range Hopping
    Florian Gebhard, Andreas Girndt, and Andrei E. Ruckenstein, Phys. Rev. B 49, 10926 (1994).
  134. Comparison of Variational Approaches for the Exactly Solvable 1/r-Hubbard Chain
    Florian Gebhard and Andreas Girndt, Z. Phys. B 93, 455 (1994).
  135. Comment on ``Interacting-Electron Model Exactly Solvable in Any Dimension''
    Vaclav Janis, Florian Gebhard, Rainer Strack, and Dieter Vollhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2443 (1992).
  136. Exact Results for a Hubbard Chain with Long-Range Hopping
    Florian Gebhard and Andrei E. Ruckenstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 244 (1992).
  137. Equivalence of variational and slave-boson mean-field treatments of the periodic Anderson model
    Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 44, 992 (1991).
  138. Gutzwiller wave function description of a particle in a fermionic bath
    Florian Gebhard and Xenophon Zotos, Phys. Rev. B 43, 1176 (1991).
  139. Gutzwiller-type Wave Functions for Correlated Fermions
    Dieter Vollhardt, Peter G.J. van Dongen, Florian Gebhard, and Walter Metzner, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 4, 499 (1990).
  140. Gutzwiller-correlated wave functions in finite dimensions d: A systematic expansion in 1/d
    Florian Gebhard, Phys. Rev. B 41, 9452 (1990).
  141. Variational evaluation of correlation functions for lattice electrons in high dimensions
    Peter G.J. van Dongen, Florian Gebhard, and Dieter Vollhardt, Z. Phys. B 76, 199 (1989).
  142. Variational Approach to Correlation Functions and to the Periodic Anderson Model in Infinite Dimensions
    Florian Gebhard and Dieter Vollhardt, in Interacting Electrons in Reduced Dimensions, edited by D. Baeriswyl and D. K. Campbell, Plenum Press, New York (NATO ASI Series B: Physics, volume 213), pp. 123-128 (1989).
  143. Correlation functions for interacting fermions in the Gutzwiller ansatz
    Florian Gebhard and Dieter Vollhardt, Phys. Rev. B 38, 6911 (1988).
  144. Correlation Functions for Hubbard-type Models: The Exact Results for the Gutzwiller Wave Function in One Dimension
    Florian Gebhard and Dieter Vollhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1472 (1987).
  145. Interacting Fermions: Correlation Functions Obtained with the Gutzwiller Wave Function
    Florian Gebhard and Dieter Vollhardt, Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Low Temperature Physics, Kyoto, 1987; Jap. Journal of Appl. Physics 26 Supplement 26-3, 481 (1987).