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HeFDI Data Stewards

Local concepts / offers
National information and communication list for data stewards
Our publications on data stewardship
Local concepts / offers
Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDa)
- TUDa has installed RDM Officers, forming a local network of multipliers concerning research data management.
- Further data stewards are located at Collaborative Research Centers and research groups.
- The local "RDM-Network" connects and promotes exchange between the data stewards and multipliers.
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS)
- Frankfurt UAS hosts a data steward for the health- and care-related sciences who specialises in RDM for qualitative research data through the BMBF-project GesundFDM.
University of Kassel (UKS)
- One data steward position is centrally located at the University Library.
- One data steward works at the Department of Biology / Chemistry / Physics.
- Partly, you can also find Data Stewards at the departments.
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main (GUF)
- GUF has nominated one data steward per department.
- Additionally, you can find data stewards in Collaborative Research Centres (CRCs).
Hochschule RheinMain (HSRM)
- Technical Data Consultant through networking in the DCSM department (IT etc.)
- GesundFDM employee in the "Sozialwesen" department
Philipps-University Marburg (UMR)
- At UMR, several data stewards are installed at CRCs and research groups.
- Some are in close contact with the RDM-team at the local computing center.
- The local eResearch Service Center offers a regular networking for local data stewards.
Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU)
- At JLU, data stewards are defined as people who offer more direct support to researchers with subject-specific questions that cannot be covered by the research data consultant at the central research data unit. At the same time, they serve as contact persons for the central research data unit and as multipliers for good research data management in the departments and disciplines in order to establish a sustainable data culture or to change it positively.
- The work as a data steward is voluntary.
- At the moment there are a total of 11 data stewards, including 2 professors, 7 post-docs and 2 doctoral students.
- Coverage: 6 of 11 departments covered.
- Local information exchange via GitLab repository.
- February 10th, 2025: HeFDI Data Infosnacks as part of the International Love Data Week 2025 (virtual)
- December 2nd-4th, 2024: Themed Week 'Digital Competences in Science' (Hannover)
- September 11th-12th, 2024: Data Stewardship goes Germany 2024 (virtual)
National information and communication list for data stewards
You can find the national information and communication list for data stewards here .
Anyone interested can register at
Our publications on data stewardship
- Koch, K., März, H., Werth, R., Dähne, J., Osterhoff, A., Ingo, N., Quilling, E., Rathmann, K., Schmunk, S., Schulze, U., & Tiesmeyer, K. (2024). Data Stewards für die gesundheits- und pflegebezogenen Wissenschaften. Zenodo.
- Dähne, J., & Dworschak, N. (2021). From local RDM-service units to Data Stewards – juggling with the term to realize user-oriented support. Zenodo.
- Dworschak, N., & Dähne, J. (2020). HeFDI - Data Stewards (1.0). Zenodo.