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HeFDI Data ELN – Electronic Lab Notebooks
Lab notebooks are a fundamental component in life and natural sciences, and currently the demand for permanent services to electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) or tools for structured data acquisition is increasing significantly. Accordingly, three HeFDI universities (TU Darmstadt, Goethe University, Philipps University) are preparing such ELN services in a satellite project "HeFDI-ELN", funded by the Hessian Ministry for Sciences and the Arts (HMWK). Until 2024, these ELN services will be tested and prepared for permanent regular operation. Depending on the location and maturity of the service, you can already use tools such as eLabFTW, RedCap or Chemotion.
Current status of services/offers
- TU Darmstadt: eLabFTW (contact)
- Goethe University: test operation Chemotion (contact), test operation eLabFTW (contact)
- Philipps University Marburg: eLabFTW (contact), RedCap (contact)
Information and resources
General introductions:
- General introduction to electronic lab books (ELNs) (by
- Introduction to Chemotion ELN (by Chemotion)
- If you use the RedCap service, extensive videos and tutorials are available inside the platform.
Tutorials and training videos:
- Introductory training videos on eLabFTW (by Nicolas Carpi, developer of eLabFTW)
- Training videos on eLabFTW + Updates about new versions and features (by Hüseyin Uzun, Technical Data Consultant and HeFDI-ELN project team member)
- Training videos on Chemotion (by Chemotion)