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The launch of HeFDI and the start of the development of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) coincided. The offerings and services of the NFDI consortia are growing steadily and are becoming increasingly important. In order to provide optimal support for researchers, it is crucial to productively dovetail generic and specialist services. It is and remains a permanent task to shape the state initiative HeFDI as part of 'one NFDI'. From the outset, the establishment and development of the HeFDI federal state initiative was therefore conceived as an integrative part of the successively established NFDI.
As a consequence, all universities joined the NFDI association as members at an early stage. Furthermore, selected HeFDI universities have actively promoted the creation of appropriate NFDI consortia. In addition, numerous personnel and organizational interfaces were created, as the HeFDI universities are represented in 13 of the 26 NFDI consortia, including 7 as main or co-applicants. This strong participation in the National Research Data Infrastructure also provides a connection to the international level. The connection to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), to which the NFDI represents a bridge, is particularly important.
At the same time, cooperation with other state initiatives was sought from the outset and was strongly structured, especially in 2022. HeFDI is a continuous and important building block in the networking of the state initiatives. There is also nationwide cooperation on the knowledge platform TU Darmstadt is currently in charge of the NFDI basic service DMP4NFDI, which is based on the model service HeFDI Data RDMO. In addition, HeFDI speakers are involved in the NFDI sections and actively participate in national and international conferences such as RDA Int, Go FAIR, Go Unite, eScience Days and DINI/nestor conferences. Overall, there are numerous collaborations beyond the borders of the federal states, with more than 50 partner projects and initiatives.
This organization of HeFDI as part of the nationwide network National Research Data Infrastructure as well as other networking partners, especially in the national area, must be continued and constantly expanded in order to offer researchers the best possible range of specialist and generic services.
Participation of HeFDI universities in NFDI consortia
It is and remains a permanent task to shape the state initiative HeFDI as part of 'one NFDI'. From the outset, the establishment and development of the HeFDI federal state initiative was therefore conceived as an integrative part of the successively established NFDI.
As a consequence, all universities joined the NFDI association as members at an early stage. Furthermore, selected HeFDI universities have actively promoted the creation of appropriate NFDI consortia. In addition, numerous personnel and organizational interfaces were created, as the HeFDI universities are represented in 13 of the 26 NFDI consortia, including 7 as main or co-applicants. Below we show how and which HeFDI universities are involved in the NFDI consortia.
NFDI4Memory: The Consortium for the Historically Oriented Humanities
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main and University of Marburg are involved in this project as participants. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is also involved in this project as a (co-)applicant.
NFDIxCS: National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science
Technical University of Darmstadt is involved in this project as a (co-)applicant.
NFDI4Biodiversity: Biodiversity and environmental data for collective use
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main is involved in this project as participant. Justus Liebig University Giessen, University of Kassel and University of Marburg are also involved in this project as a (co-)applicants.
NFDI4Culture: Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage
University of Marburg is involved in this project as a (co-)applicant. Goethe University Frankfurt/Main and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are involved in this project as participants.
NFDI4Ing: The National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences
Technical University of Darmstadt is involved in this project as a (co-)applicant. Hochschule RheinMain, Fulda University of Applied Sciences and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are involved in this project as participants.
NFDI4Earth: Consortium for Earth System Sciences
The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main is involved in this project as a (co-)applicant. The Technical University of Darmstadt is involved in this project as a participant.
NFDI4Microbiota: Consortium for microbiota research
The Technical University of Darmstadt is involved in this project as a participant. Justus Liebig University Giessen and University of Marburg are also involved in this project as a (co-)applicants.
NFDI4Immuno: National Research Data Infrastructure for Immunology
The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main is involved in this project as a participant via the University Hospital.
NFDI4Objects: Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Technical University of Darmstadt and University of Marburg are involved in this project as participants.
NFDI4Cat: Consortium for Catalysis-Related Sciences
The Technical University of Darmstadt is involved in this project as a participant.
BERD@NFDI: Consortium for Business, Economic, and Related Data
The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main is involved in this project as a participant.
FAIRmat: FAIR data infrastructure for condensed-matter physics and the chemical physics of solids
The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main is involved in this project as a participant. The Technical University of Darmstadt is supporting the consortium with a joint research project.
MaRDI: Mathematical Research Data Initiative
University of Marburg is involved in this project as participant.
NFDI-MatWerk: Consortium for Materials Science & Engineering
The Technical University of Darmstadt is involved in this project as a participant.
PUNCH4NFDI: Consortium for particle, astro-, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics
The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, Technical University of Darmstadt and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are involved in this project as participants.
Text+: Consortium for Language and text-based research data
The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main, University of Marburg, Technical University of Darmstadt and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences are involved in this project as participants.