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Research Data Repository Hosting

The Philipps-Universität Marburg operates and hosts research data repositories for different fields of application, e.g. the institutional research data repository of the Philipps-Universität (data_UMR), further institutional research data repositories for the Hessian universities within the HeFDI project as well as further subject- or project-specific repositories. The hosting is based on the open source repository software DSpace and the configuration management system Puppet.

Your benefit

  • Organization, administration, long-term storage and provision of research data and publications in terms of scientific traceability and reproducibility
  • Submission, curation, storage, indexing, backup, archiving and, if required, citable publication and presentation of research data
  • Efficient indexing, searching and browsing
  • Submission process and metadata schema either generic or adapted to the scientific question, depending on the requirements
  • Presentation of research data either generic or adapted to the scientific question, depending on the requirements
  • Wide range of interfaces to other systems (REST, OAI-PMH, OAI-ORE, SPARQL, DataCite-DOI)
  • Backup and archiving via the central backup and archiving service of the University Computer Center

Target group

  • Centers, departments, institutions, working groups and researchers of the Philipps-University of Marburg
  • Hessian universities within the HeFDI project


  • For advice, support, submission and coursework, usually a Central User Account (Uni Account) or user account at one of the HeFDI partner universities
  • Current web browser


Repository hosting is usually associated with costs. You can find more information under Worth knowing.

  • Support and Help

    Support and assistance for users of the research data repositories

    End-user support (L1) for the individual repository is usually provided by the support centers of the respective repository (see the support and contact information of the respective repository).

    Support and assistance for operators of institution-, subject- or project-specific repositories (e.g. for departments, operators of scientific projects, partners)

    The organizational and technical support (L2 and L3 support) for operators of DSpace repositories is usually provided by the joint DSpace hosting support of the University Computer Center and the University Library. You can reach it via email at . Please indicate your project, your account and the topic when making inquiries.

  • Worth knowing

    Technical bases and software of the provided research data repositories

    The operation and hosting of the research data repositories is based on the open source repository software DSpace. Further components are the open source software Puppet Configuration Management System, Apache Web Server, Shibboleth Service Provider, HAProxy Load Balancer, Apache Tomcat Application Server, PostgreSQL Database Server, Solr Index Server and CephFS Distributed File System. Using the configuration management system Puppet and the central hosting, backup and archiving services of the University Computer Center, small all-in-one, medium and large cluster installations can be realized on the same technical basis. This depends on the individual project requirements.

    Connection to the Identity Management of the partner organization using the service

    The connection to the identity management of the respective organization is usually established via the federated Shibboleth authentication service of the DFN association.

    Costs for the operation and hosting of research data repositories

    The cost of operating and hosting a research data repository is largely determined by the requirements of the repository (e.g. requirements in the areas of submission process, metadata schema, indexing, presentation, size of user base, size of required storage, resilience, maintainability and privacy) and by how many repositories the respective organization provides. For advice, contact the joint University Computer Center and University Library DSpace Hosting Support team, available via email at . Please indicate your project, account and topic, when making inquiries.

    You can find an exemplary cost estimate for the partnership-based operation of institutional research data repositories on a similar installation and configuration basis in the HeFDI network operating concept for repository solutions. It was jointly developed within the framework of the Hessian Research Data Infrastructures (HeFDI) project.

    Provided institutional repositories

    Institutional Research Data Repository of the Philipps-Universität Marburg: data_UMR is the institutional repository of the Philipps Universität Marburg. Research data with descriptive metadata can be stored in a structured way, stored securely and published in a citable form. The University Library and the University Computer Center jointly operate the repository.

    Institutional research data repository of the University of Kassel (test operation, productive operation planned for 2020). The University Library and the University Computer Center within the HeFDI project jointly host the repository within the HeFDI project.

    Institutional research data repository of the University of Applied Sciences Fulda (test operation in preparation). The University Library and the University Computer Center jointly host the repository within the HeFDI project.

    Provided institutional- or project-specific repositories

    Institutional repository of Media Studies: media/rep/ is the institutional repository of Media Studies at Philipps Universität Marburg. It specializes in publications, qualification papers and preprints in Open Access. The Institute of Media Studies and the University Library, with support from the University Computer Center, jointly operate the repository.

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