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All children living in Germany are required to attend school between the ages of 6 and 15. The first stage of school is called “Grundschule” (Years 1-4). After this, there is a choice between three different types of school: “Hauptschule”, which continues until Year 9 or 10 and leads to a general school leaving certificate, called “Hauptschulabschluss”; “Realschule”, which continues until Year 10 and culminates in an intermediate school leaving certificate, known as “Realschulabschluss”; “Gymnasium”, which continues until Year 12 and leads to the senior school leaving certificate, or “Abitur”, which is also the entrance qualification for higher education. Apart from these, there is also the “Gesamtschule”, a comprehensive school combining the three types of school under one roof where pupils are divided into groups according to their performance.

Attendance at state-run schools in Germany is free of charge. You do, however, have to pay for some of the books and teaching material as well as for excursions. There are only very few private or international fee-paying schools. The local “Schulamt” (education authority) can provide information on the situation in your area. You usually decide which school to choose after a visit and an interview with the head teacher. Depending on the Federal State, the school year normally begins after the summer holidays between July and September. At most schools in Germany lessons only take place in the morning.

At present, however, many Federal States are reorganizing and turning schools into day schools. There are various different day school models and different focus areas. In some schools it is compulsory to attend all day, in others, known as “Offene Ganztagsschulen” (open day schools), afternoon school is voluntary. All day schools provide a midday meal on the days they are open all day. Parents are expected to pay income-related contributions for full-day options. An additional charge is made for midday meals.
In Marburg: Schools

Some schools in Marburg provide bilingual teaching in certain subjects as well as intensive and booster classes in German as a second language. You can find a list of all the schools in Marburg on the town’s official website:

The “Staatliches Schulamt” (local education authority)advises teachers, parents and school students on all everyday matters.

Staatliches Schulamt
Robert-Koch-Straße 17, 35037 Marburg
Tel.: 0 64 21 / 61 65 00

Measles Protection

Please note: The Measles Protection Act will enter into force on 1 March 2020. Before being accepted into child daycare facilities, schools or other community facilities, all children who are at least one year old must prove that they have received the measles vaccine recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (Source: Federal Ministry of Health). Please contact a pediatrist, if the vaccination took place abroad.

Further information: Federal Ministry of Health

Additional information on the German school system:
”Deutscher Bildungsserver” (The German Education Server):
”Kultusministerkonferenz” (Conference of Ministers of Educationand Cultural Aff airs):
EURAXESS Germany: > Services > Incoming > Schools

Further information