24.10.2022 Protest in Iran

Philipps-Universität Marburg condems violence against students and university staff in Iran
The University of Marburg condemns the violence against students and university staff in Iran who are peacefully demonstrating for their basic rights and for the freedom of research and teaching. We see ourselves as a cosmopolitan university and fully endorse the statements of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) of October 4, 2022 and the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) of October 5, 2022 on the events in Iran.
- DAAD condemns violence in Iran
- HRK Senate expresses concern about violence against university members
We have cooperative relations with seven Iranian universities. There are many students and researchers at University of Marburg who are from Iran. We understand that many of them find the situation in Iran a great burden. If you are seeking counseling in this regard, please contact the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center at Philipps-Universität or the International Office.