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EUPeace for Researchers and Teaching Staff

EUPeace offers a broad range of ways to get involved. Transforming Curricula, Internationalisation of Teacher Education, Research Hubs and Doctoral Studies, and Societal Dialogue are some of the work packages, including a broad range of activities planned within the first four years, that will carry the EUPeace project towards a permanent and sustainable EUPeace Alliance at all our institutions.
Transforming Curricula implements two EUPeace Flagship Actions and their support activities:
(1) With the “European Track” we develop EUPeace signature content and formats, and broadly integrate EUPeace content into all curricula. Eventually, we make the “European Track” available to any student within the Alliance.
(2) By advancing European Degrees with strongly integrated curricula across institutions, we foster a specific profile of EUPeace students, graduates and alumni, who will go on to become change agents for Europe.
Our approach for an Internationalisation of Teacher Education is to equip future teachers with a skill set for teaching in diverse settings by adding and integrating specific subject matter into the curricula. The EUPeace school network serves to provide school internships abroad. Other flexible forms of (physical, blended, virtual) mobility options for teacher training students will be offered across the Alliance.
With the Research Hubs, the Alliance contributes to enriching and strengthening the European Research Area with a transdisciplinary approach to peace, justice and inclusive societies. Thus EUPeace highly contributes to dealing with global challenges - always in dialogue with society. The Research Hubs build on the synergies of the Alliance members to foster research and research-based teaching with an attention to bringing in all subject areas of the Alliance. Two pilot Research Hubs, “Security and Conflict Transformation” and “Climate Science and Just Transition”, geared towards Master and Doctoral students, are already beginning to form. Further Research Hubs will be created in the coming years.
The EUPeace Living Peace Lab Flagship Action as a platform for civic community engagement by means of campus-related, regional, and international cooperation bringing together a variety of stakeholders including civil society, policy makers, NGOs, or companies will be developed. It will be specifically designed to encourage societal dialogue and innovation around the topics of peace, justice, and inclusiveness. The Living Peace Lab will be a collaboration hub for generating physical and virtual spaces where stakeholders can meet and find support for developing co-creating teams and engaging across the academia-society divide. This will create a virtuous cycle of continuous exchange between higher education institutions and society, which contributes to a strong policy and innovation impact of the EUPeace Alliance.
EUPeace will facilitate intra-European mobility of researchers and academic staff from all partner universities, beginning with the already established EUPeace Fund to support mobility and research projects between our institutions.
International Staff Weeks offered by our partners as well as teaching opportunities at e.g. Summer Programmes are opportunities to get to know all partners and to strengthen networks.
EUPeace will also share and support related calls for conferences and funding opportunities.
EUPeace Department Delegates are the primary academic points of contact for EUPeace for Departments/Centers and ensure that EUPeace is integrated into the strategic planning of the Departments/Centers.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.