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Problems not solutions

For your competence development as students, we provide case- and problem-oriented learning environments that are often integrated into current research. As students, you are active players in the learning modules and are given freedom to engage with the subject-specific and methodological study content.

At the same time, we never leave you alone and are always available as a contact person, especially in the advanced, method-intensive modules. In this way, we give the process of independent learning an equal status alongside the externally controlled imparting of knowledge.

Development of competences

The following overarching teaching goals are at the forefront of our courses:

  • Learning subject-specific skills and abilities as a basis for professional development
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  • Training in methods of accessing information and imparting knowledge as the basis of all learning and collaboration
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  • Training in analytical, solution-oriented ways of thinking and acting and the associated competence to be able to successfully deal with unknown and frequently changing problems
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  • Learning methods for transdisciplinary cooperation as a further building block for an analytical, solution-oriented way of working
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  • Promoting personal development specifically with regard to the further development of personal and social-communicative competence
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If you want to write a thesis with us, we neither expect you to already have mature programming skills, extensive experience in the field of GIS and remote sensing, module certificates in the field of database management or your own R scripts in Google code.

What we expect
We expect commitment. Once we have agreed on a topic, we expect you to be fully committed and work on the task. The first conceptual proposal for a solution to a problem should always come from you. General assessment criteria for BSc theses or MSc theses can be found below

What to expect
If you are committed to your work, you can be sure that we will be too. You will have a supervisory team that is available for discussion and will guide you through the final paper.

  • Evaluation criteria for Bachelor and L3 theses


    The qualification objectives of a BSc degree programme correspond to level 6 of the German Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (DQR). According to this, the person must have "competences for planning, processing and evaluating comprehensive subject-related tasks and problems as well as for independently controlling processes in sub-areas of a scientific subject or in a professional field of activity. The requirement structure is characterised by complexity and frequent changes" (AK DQR 2011).


    In detail, the DQR provides for the following competence objectives at level 6 (from AK DQR 2011: German Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning):

    Specialist competence
    Knowledge: broad and integrated knowledge including scientific principles, practical application of a scientific subject and a critical understanding of key theories and methods
    Skills: very broad range of methods for dealing with complex problems in a scientific subject

    Personal competences

    Social competence: working responsibly in teams of experts. Guide the professional development of others and deal with problems in a team with foresight. Represent complex subject-related problems and solutions argumentatively to experts and develop them further with them.
    Independence: Define, reflect on and evaluate goals for learning and work processes and design learning and work processes independently and sustainably.
    Download the assessment criteria for for BSc work in Environmental Informatics


    Download the synopsis template (MS-Word) for theses and student projects in environmental informatics

  • Evaluation criteria for Master's theses


    The qualification objectives of an MSc programme correspond to level 7 of the German Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (DQR). According to this, the person must have "competences to deal with new complex tasks and problems as well as to independently control processes in a scientific subject [...]. The requirement structure is characterised by frequent and unpredictable changes". (AK DQR 2011).

    In detail, the DQR provides for the following competence objectives at level 7 (from AK DQR 2011: German Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning):

    Specialist competence
    Knowledge: comprehensive, detailed and specialised knowledge at the latest level of knowledge in a scientific subject
    Skills: specialised technical or conceptual skills for solving also strategic problems in a scientific subject

    Personal competences

    Social competence: responsibly leading groups or organisations within the framework of complex tasks and representing their work results. Promote the professional development of others in a targeted manner. Lead field-specific and cross-field discussions.
    Independence: Define goals for new application or research-oriented tasks, reflecting on the possible social, economic and cultural impact, use appropriate means and develop knowledge independently for this purpose.
    Download assessment criteria for for MSc theses in Environmental Informatics


    Download the synopsis template (MS-Word) for theses and student projects in environmental informatics