Multimodal Summer Schools Marburg
Spend an inspiring summer week in Marburg!

Walking through the well-preserved historic centre of Marburg with its rich history and lively student culture, we will focus entirely on sound. The various acoustics along the picturesque Lahn and its banks, in the many galleries, clubs and pubs or in the quiet libraries of the world's oldest Protestant university - come to Marburg, meet young people from all over Europe, share your creativity and interest for sounds!
26th Aug 2024 – 30th Aug 2024

Sounds arise, evolve and fade away. Their timing affects our perception. Soundscapes change over time, mould our memories and their design shapes our future.
The Summer School is dedicated to the deeply interwoven relationship between sound and time and aims to open up an experimental field that invites participants to combine (artistic) sound practice with temporally dimensioned questions. Specific tools and methods will be presented and insights into various artistic sound research will be given. Workshops invite participants to elaborate their own sound relevant research question and experiment with artistic sound practice themselves.
The Summer School offers:
- an online introductory session followed by a week on site
- hands-on workshops with tools and methods like sound walks, sound editing, radio work or audio papers
- insights into the international field of soundscape research
- networking with others who work on/with sound(s)
- reflections and discussions on multifaceted relationships of sound and time
- impulses to rethink own research questions/projects and terms of sound research
During the 5 days on site, framing discussions and online project presentations alternate with various lectures and workshops that invite participants to experiment on their own. Below you will find detailed information about the workshops:
Listening and Recording as Temporal Practices
with Esther Pilkington and Manuel Scuzzo, Hamburg

How are day time and and night time different? Do sounds, images and smells change in the darkness? Does our perception change? And how is Marburg at night? Let’s dive into Marburg’s nightlife and its acoustic landscapes after sunset.
At the beginning of their programme, Esther Pilkington and Manuel Scuzzo invite everybody on a nocturnal sound walk, listening to and experimenting with the sounds of the night. The next morning, they give an introduction to methods of sound recording (including post-production) in artistic research practices, focusing on their effect on various aspects of temporality.
Esther is a performer and researcher, Manuel is a sound researcher and musician. Both are based in Hamburg, but also work internationally. Their respective projects are process-orientated and participatory. Both use walking as a means of artistic exploration.
Click on the links to get more information about Esther Pilkington and Manuel Scuzzo
Audio Papers. A performative essay format
with Fritz Schlüter, Berlin

A format that can bring sound research and recordings into a scientifically communicable form is the so-called audio paper. Like a documentary feature, an audio paper combines texts and sounds, condenses and comments on recordings and generally addresses listeners with a scientific interest.
Fritz Schlüter will talk about the audio paper in more detail, also based on his own experiences, and invites us to explore the possibilities and limitations of the format. The following workshop "Rapid prototyping. Create a 2-minute audio paper draft" opens up a space to create a "prototype" of an audio paper on the basis of your own ideas and sound projects. It includes writing and recording own short texts in order to combine them with other acoustic material and to produce a short audio sequence which will be presented at the end of the workshop.
Fritz Schlüter studied European Ethnology (M.A.) at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. He was a research assistant at European Media Studies, University of Potsdam and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (cooperative course of study). He is teaching projects between theory, aesthetics and practice in sound, and is a member of the DFG Research Training Group "Knowledge in the Arts" at Berlin University of the Arts with a PhD project on the history and the aesthetics of ambient sound. Currently he is a research assistant at Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF/ University of Potsdam and academic coordinator of the ZeM (Brandenburg Center for Media Studies).
Further readings:
"Challenging politics of listening in the clinic. Ethnographic experiences with a participatory music project in a psychiatric context". Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing (8) 2022, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360384970
Audio Paper "Beredte Stille. Zum Gebrauch der 'Atmo' in der Praxis der Tongestaltung", The Sound of Sound Studies. Jahrestagung der AG Auditive Medienkulturen und Sound Studies in der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Lüneburg 2021, https://soundcloud.com/atmosphe/beredte-stille (in German)
Sounds & Activism
with Katharina Pelosi, Berlin

Katharina Pelosi will talk about her sound-based research on postcolonial traces in urban space and build a bridge to sound-based forms of activism. In her workshop we will continue to work with our field recordings, analyse and arrange them with regard to our research questions and experiment with acoustic metaphors such as echo, loop or feedback. We will get to know different sound setups such as headphones, PAs or mobile phones and speculate to what extent they can open up public spaces and discuss the interface between cultural studies and activist practices.
Click on the link to get more information about Katharina Pelosi.
Call to Listen - ein post_kolonialer Resonanzraum. Notizen und Materialien zu einer künstlerischen Forschung zu Sound und Zuhören im post_kolonialen Hamburg.
Practical info
We warmly invite international BA & MA students in Cultural Studies, Social Anthropology, History, Arts, Media, Performance Studies etc.
Please send your application in form of a letter of motivation (5000 characters max.) until 28/02/2024 to: summerschoolsekw@uni-marburg.de
Participation can be funded by the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)/Erasmus+. In countries that are associated to the Erasmus+ programme the sending universities can cover the travel and participation expenses. For funding please contact your local Erasmus coordinator/International Office as soon as possible.
Students from Germany and countries which are not associated to the Erasmus+ programme can also take part in the Summer School.
Partition fee: 75 Euro plus travel- and accomodation costs. (Please contact us in advance – we have pre-booked a limited amount of accommodation at moderate prices in Marburg).
For further questions please send an email to: summerschoolsekw@uni-marburg.de
Deadline for application: 28th Feb 2024