Ausgewählte Publikationen
Mark Schmitt, Fatih Ceteci, Jalaj Gupta, Marina Pesic, Tim W Böttger, Adele M Nicolas, Kilian B Kennel, Esther Engel, Matthias Schewe, Asude Callak Kirisözü, Valentina Petrocelli, Yasamin Dabiri, Julia Varga, Mallika Ramakrishnan, Madina Karimova, Andrea Ablasser, Toshiro Sato, Melek C Arkan, Frederic J de Sauvage, Florian R Greten (2022). Colon tumour cell death causes mTOR dependence by paracrine P2X4 stimulation. Nature Nov 16; online ahead of print. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05426-1.
Romina J Walter, Steffen J Sonnentag, Leonel Munoz-Sagredo, Melanie Merkel, Ludovic Richert, Felix Bunert, Yvonne M Heneka, Thomas Loustau, Michael Hodder, Rachel A Ridgway, Owen J Sansom, Yves Mely, Ulrich Rothbauer, Mark Schmitt, Véronique Orian-Rousseau (2022). Wnt signaling is boosted during intestinal regeneration by a CD44-positive feedback loop. Cell Death Dis Feb 21;13(2):168.
Christopher Berlin, Félicie Cottard, Dominica Willmann, Sylvia Urban, Stephan M Tirier , Lisa Marx , Karsten Rippe, Mark Schmitt, Valentina Petrocelli, Florian R Greten, Stefan Fichtner-Feigl, Rebecca Kesselring, Eric Metzger, Roland Schüle (2022). KMT9 Controls Stemness and Growth of Colorectal Cancer. Cancer Res Jan 15;82(2):210-220. DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-21-1261
Schmitt M & Greten FR. The inflammatory pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. Nat Rev Immunol 2021 Apr 28. doi: 10.1038/s41577-021-00534-x.
Schmitt M*, Schewe M*, Sacchetti A, Feijtel D, van de Geer W S, Teeuwssen M, Sleddens H F, Joosten R, van Royen M E, van de Werken H J G, van Es J, Clevers H, Fodde R (2018). Paneth cells respond to inflammation and contribute to tissue regeneration by acquiring stem-like features through activation of the SCF/c-Kit signalling axis. Cell Rep Aug 28;24(9):2312-2328.e7. * contributed equally
Schewe M, Sacchetti A, Schmitt M, Fodde R (2017). Organoid Reconstitution Assay (ORA) for the Functional Analysis of Intestinal Stem and Niche Cells. JoVE, ISSUE 129, November 20.
Schewe M, Franken P F, Sacchetti A, Schmitt M, Joosten R, Böttcher R, van Royen M E, Jeammet L, Payré C, Scott P M, Webb N R, Gelb M, Cormier R T, Lambeau G, Fodde R (2016). Secreted Phospholipases A2 Are Intestinal Stem Cell Niche Factors with Distinct Roles in Homeostasis, Inflammation, and Cancer. Cell Stem Cell 19, 38-51 July 7.
Li L,* Schmitt M,* Wadhwani P, Matzke A, Orian-Rousseau V, Levkin P (2016). CD44v6 peptide functionalized nanoparticles selectively bind to metastatic cancer cells. Adv Sci 4(1): 1600202. * contributed equally
Schmitt M, Metzger M, Gradl D, Davidson G, Orian-Rousseau V (2015). CD44 functions in Wnt-signaling by regulating LRP6 localization and activation. Cell Death Differ 22, 677–689.