23.08.2022 ALER Best Theory Paper Award 2022

We are happy to announce that Prof. Tim Friehe, together with his co-author Florian Baumann, has won the American Law & Economics Review's 2022 Best Theory Paper Award for the paper titled "Strict Liability and Negligence with Search for Precautionary Measures".

The award-winning paper focuses on the performance of various product liability policy in the market of risky products, where individuals can engage in costly search for a new and better care technology than the commonly known one. As a result, whether Strict Liability is socially prefered to Negligence Rule depends on the superior technology's likelihood of existence, the level of search costs and litigation costs. The link to the rest of the paper can be found HERE

The American Law and Economics Review is the official scholarly journal of the American Law & Economics Assocation, which plays an important role in the development of the Law & Economics Field over the last 25 years. More details on the journal can be found HERE