Members, students, and collaborators of our research group received the following awards:
Nikolaus Korfhage, Markus Mühling, and Bernd Freisleben received the "Best Paper Award" at the "The 19th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)" in 2021 for their paper entitled "ElasticHash: Semantic Image Similarity Search by Deep Hashing with Elasticsearch".
Jonas Höchst, Artur Sterz, Alexander Frömmgen, Denny Stohr, Ralf Steinmetz, and Bernd Freisleben received the "Best Paper Award" at the "44th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks", Osnabrück, Germany, in 2019 for their paper entitled "Learning Wi-Fi Connection Loss Predictions for Seamless Vertical Handovers Using Multipath TCP".
Afef Mdhaffar, Riadh Ben Halima, Mohamed Jmaiel, and Bernd Freisleben received the "Best Paper Award" at the "IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference", Parma, Italy, in 2014 for their paper entitled "CEP4Cloud: Complex Event Processing for Self-Healing Clouds".
Dorian Minarolli and Bernd Freisleben received the "Best Paper Award" at the "13th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing", Luxembourg, in 2011 for their paper entitled "Utility-driven Allocation of Multiple Types of Resources to Virtual Machines in Clouds".
Roland Rieke received the "Dissertation Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best dissertation in 2014/2015 entitled "Security Analysis of System Behaviour — From Security by Design to Secrurity at Runtime".
Jan Egger received the "Dissertation Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best dissertation in 2012/2013 entitled "Intraoperative Visualisierung multimodaler Daten in der Neurochirurgie".
Nico Huber received the "Master Thesis Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best master thesis in 2011/2012 entitled "Festplattenverschlüsselung für Android-Geräte".
Pablo Graubner received the 3. position in the category "Ideas and Research in the Computer Center" of "Deutscher Rechenzentrumspreis" with his contribution on "Accuracy-aware Data Processing" in 2012.
Khalid Ballafkir received the "Diploma Thesis Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best diploma thesis in 2010/2011 entitled "Lernen von Konzeptdetektoren mithilfe von Trainingsdaten aus dem World Wide Web".
Jan Egger received the "Dissertation Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best dissertation in 2009/2010 entitled "Prä- und postoperative Segmentierung und virtuelles Stenting von Aneurysmen und Stenosen".
Thomas Noll received the "Diploma Thesis Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best diploma thesis in 2009/2010 entitled "Allokation von Cloud-Ressourcen in verteilten Workflows mittels Datenfluss-Analyse".
Matthew Smith received the "Dissertation Award" of the "Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Forschungstransfers" (GFFT e.V.) for the best dissertation in 2008/2009 entitled "Security for Service-Oriented On-Demand Grid Computing".
Tim Dörnemann, Markus Mathes, Roland Schwarzkopf, Ernst Juhnke and Bernd Freisleben received a "Highly Commended Paper Award" at the "IEEE Conference on Advances in Information Networking and Applications", Bradford, UK, in 2009, for their paper entitled "DAVO: A Domain-Adaptable, Visual BPEL4WS Orchestrator".
Ralph Ewerth received the "Dissertation Award" of the University of Marburg for the best dissertation in the section "Mathematics and Natural Sciences" in 2008/9 entitled "Robust Video Content Analysis via Transductive Learning Methods".
Bernd Freisleben received an "IBM Real-time Innovation Award" for a proposal on "Real-time Java Web Services for Industrial Automation" in 2008.
Michael Heidt, Tim Dörnemann, Kay Dörnemann and Bernd Freisleben received a "Best Paper Award" at the "IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing and the Grid" (CCGrid), Lyon, France, in 2008, for their paper entitled "Omnivore: Integration of Grid Meta-Scheduling and Peer-to-Peer Technologies".
Bernd Freisleben received an "IBM UIMA Innovation Award" for a proposal on "Semantic Annotation of Videos Using UIMA Components in Service-Oriented Grids" in 2007".
Elvis Papalilo and Bernd Freisleben received a "Best Paper Award" at the "3rd International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security", Manchester, UK, in 2007, for their paper entitled "Managing Behaviour Trust in Grids Using Statistical Methods of Quality Assurance".
Thomas Friese received the "Dissertation Award" of the University of Marburg for the best dissertation in the section "Mathematics and Natural Sciences" in 2006/7 entitled "Service-Oriented Ad Hoc Grid Computing".
Bernd Freisleben received an "IBM Eclipse Innovation Award" for a proposal on "Tools for Service-Oriented Ad Hoc Grid Computing" in 2005.
Bernd Freisleben received an "IEEE Award for Outstanding Achievement" as the winner of the IEEE ICEC Combinatorial Optimization Contest as part of the "IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation", Nagoya, Japan, in 1996.
Hicham Bellafkir, Markus Vogelbacher, Daniel Schneider, Valeryia Kizik, Markus Mühling, and Bernd Freisleben received the "Best Paper Award" at the "3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition (ISPR)" in 2023 for their paper entitled “Bird Species Recognition in Soundscapes with Self-supervised Pre-training".
Hicham Bellafkir, Markus Vogelbacher, Jannis Gottwald, Markus Mühling, Nikolaus Korfhage, Patrick Lampe, Nicolas Frieß, Thomas Nauss, and Bernd Freisleben received the "Best Paper Award" at the "2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition (ISPR)" in 2022 for their paper entitled "Bat Echolocation Call Detection and Species Recognition by Transformers with Self-Attention“.