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THz imaging in paleontology

Photo by Prof. Martin Koch

Historic remains of humans are of great value for the understanding of the evolution of the human species. In so far a detailed analysis of this remains is of great interest. THz technology is especially suitable for this analysis due to its non-ionizing character and therefore offers the possibility of contactless measurements together with the spectroscopical identification of substances.

Several bachelors- and master-theses with different main topics are offered within this project.

For example, the objective of one thesis may be the buildup of a database of embalming materials together with the corresponding evaluation of the identification potential on historic human remains.

Another task will be the 3-dimensional imaging measurement of different historic human remains with a robotic arm and the corresponding tomographic reconstruction of the data.

The research is done in collaboration with leading research groups in the field of evolutionary medicine and medical physics.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Martin Koch