12.12.2022 Metal penetrates deeper into floodplain soils than plastic

Pieces of plastic from the floodplain soils of the Nidda River light up under the microscope. An Interdisciplinary research team from Marburg extracted the plastic from the soil.
Interdisciplinary research team searched along the Nidda for pollutants
The distribution of plastics and metals varies in the soils of river floodplains: While plastic particles are concentrated in the uppermost soil layers, metals are found down to a depth of two meters. This was found by research groups from Marburg's Departments of Geography and Physics along the Nidda, a river in Hesse. The team reports its findings in the journal Microplastics and Nanoplastics.
Original article: Collin J. Weber & al.: Meso- and microplastic distribution and spatial connections to metal contaminations in highly cultivated and urbanised floodplain soilscapes – a case study from the Nidda River, Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2022,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s43591-022-00044-0