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Guidelines, Regulations, Data Management Plans

All HeFDI universities have adopted research data guidelines to provide clear orientation for their affiliated organisations. Thus, Hesse is the first federal state in which all universities in the state network can rely on research data guidelines [1]. This serves as a model for the other states of Germany.

The guidelines, which are available across the board, provide members of the university network with an initial orientation. At the same time, the question arises of further implementation and operationalisation of the guidelines as well as of supporting tools. As a supporting tool, the HeFDI universities have installed the data management planner “Research Data Management Organiser” (RDMO), an extensive solution: TU Darmstadt hosts and maintains RDMO instances for HeFDI universities and for other interested parties. Below you will find the programme at your HeFDI university.

HeFDI flyer on data management plans (in German)

Local policies for handling research data

Local RDMO offers for data management plans

[1] This refers to all ten universities that have been involved in HeFDI from the beginning. The Rhein-Main University only joined in 2018. The policy is currently being adopted there.

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