26.04.2023 HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, May 5, 2023: 11-12h: Chemotion - An Introduction to an Open-Source ELN for FAIR Data (EN)

In this HeFDI Data Talk, Dr John Jolliffe from NFDI4Chem will present the Chemotion ELN

Foto: Colourbox.de

Chemotion - An Introduction to an Open-Source ELN for FAIR Data

HeFDI Data Talk on 5 May 2023, 11-12h

The online event is free of charge; click here to register. With the registration you will receive the access data, which are valid for all talks of our bi-weekly series. The talk will be held in English.

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) are a key prerequisite to a comprehensive documentation of research processes, the digital storage of research data, and their reuse. ELNs can be used to plan, record, store and - in combination with repositories - disclose experiments or research data. In the long run, the benefit of ELNs is the option to store and manage data in a standardized way and to enrich the data with (automatically generated) information such as metadata, identifiers and descriptors. For scientists, ELNs offer advantages such as faster research processes and a faster access to information. Selected benefits of the ELN Chemotion - an ELN that was designed for the discipline Chemistry - will be presented to show exemplarily the use of research data management tools. The ELN offers special features for chemical work and includes diverse functions that allow the use of the ELN also in other disciplines. Both, the chemistry specific as well as the generic and adaptable modules will be presented in brief.
Chemotion ELN can be used in combination with the open access repository Chemotion. The disclosure of research data to the public is possible by a direct transfer of information from the ELN to the repository. The interoperable systems ELN and repository guarantee on the one hand an easy process for the disclosure of information and on the other hand the availability of comprehensive data including primary data and descriptions.
The systems Chemotion ELN and Chemotion Repository are part of the strategy of the National Research Data Infrastructure for Chemistry (NFDI4Chem) in Germany. Dr. John Jolliffe from NFDI4Chem will present the strategy and measures of NFDI4Chem in brief.

The HeFDI Data Talks are a virtual event series on current topics in data management, which takes place every two weeks on Fridays from 11-12h. Click here for the program overview.


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