HeFDI Data Week starts today, 14-16 June 2023 Leading up to the nationwide “Digitaltag” on 16 June 2023, we invite you to join us for HeFDI Data Week 2023. This three-day online event is aimed at researchers, educators, students, and anyone interested in learning more about research data in our digital age. The online event is free of charge.
Registration Now Open! HeFDI Data Week, 14-16 June 2023 You can register now for any or all events of the HeFDI Data Week: June 14-16 2023: The online event is free of charge and part of the nationwide "Digitaltag".
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 2 June 2023: 11-12h: HeFDI Repositories - a service offer Get to know the HeFDI repository landscape in this HeFDI Data Talk and find out which one is the best fit for your data.
HeFDI Code School 'Sustainable Research Software': Registration now open! The HeFDI Code School adresses the need of especially early career researchers on learning how to create good scientific software and increase the quality of their code for better reusability and sustainability.
Save the Date: HeFDI Data Week, 14-16 June 2023 Mark your calenders: June 14-16 2023: HeFDI Data Week. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Week 14-16 June 2023
Data Talks: Sessions resume on 5 May The programme for the summer semester is now online!
Data Talks: Sessions resume on 5 May The programme for the summer semester is now online!
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, May 5, 2023: 11-12h: Chemotion - An Introduction to an Open-Source ELN for FAIR Data (EN) In this HeFDI Data Talk, Dr John Jolliffe from NFDI4Chem will present the Chemotion ELN
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, May 5, 2023: 11-12h: Chemotion - An Introduction to an Open-Source ELN for FAIR Data (EN) In this HeFDI Data Talk, Dr John Jolliffe from NFDI4Chem will present the Chemotion ELN
HeFDI Code School 'Sustainable Research Software' (EN)
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, March 24, 2023: 11-12h: Teaching materials on research data management - The HeFDI Self-Study Unit (GER) In this HeFDI Data Talk with Robert Werth from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, one of the developers introduces the HeFDI online self-study unit "Research Data Management - an Online Introduction". The web-based training has been developed collaboratively within HeFDI and re-use of the material, whether module by module or in its entirety, is strongly encouraged.
HeFDI Data School, March 29, 2023: Manage Qualitative Data (GER) In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
New event series on HeFDI Data Services starts on 09 March: ELN eLabFTW Q&A-Session every 2nd Thursday (GER&EN)
Contributions by HeFDI partner universities at E-Science-Tage 2023 "Empower Your Research - Preserve Your Data" The E-Science-Tage are an interdisciplinary conference series centered around the topics of research data management and Open Science - with diverse offerings for professional exchange between science and technology,
28 February 2023: FAIR Research Data Management: Basics for Chemists (EN) Workshop provides basics of FAIR RDM on 28 February 2023
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, February 24, 2023: 11-12h: Sustainable research software with software management plans (GER) If you are developing or planning to develop your own software as part of your research, research data management plans can support you in the development process, but also in a possible software publication. Dr. Yves Grossmann from the Max Planck Digital Library presents a newly developed questionnaire for the Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) to support researchers in those endeavours.
HeFDI eLabFTW DevTalk with Nicolas Carpi on Friday, February 10, 2023: 12-13h (EN) The main developer of eLabFTW, Nicolas Carpi, will be available for about an hour for in-depth questions about the tool and its use.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, February 10, 2023: 11-12h: ELabFTW - Overview and new features (EN) The main developer of eLabFTW, Nicolas Carpi, will talk about the electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, January 27, 2023: 11-12h: Data Stewardship in the making (GER) In this HeFDI Data Talk, Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi lets us in on the experiences of Austria's new data stewardship initiative. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, December 16, 2022: 11-12h: FDM in DFG proposals. Today, the DFG expects you to describe and plan how to handle research data - customized for your specific project. The management of data can also be a focus, especially during peer review and on-site inspections. But what needs to be considered? In the HeFDI Data Talk, Dr. Ortrun Brand, coordinator of the state initiative HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures, presents the key points of the DFG guidelines and is available for questions and discussion.
Information and Service Level Agreement Available for Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) HeFDI provides interested parties with information and a reusable service level agreement for the cooperatively operated RDMO Data Management Planner.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, December 2, 2022: "MaRDI - Mathematical Research Data Initiative". As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Tabea Bacher will present the MaRDI consortium and your services on Friday, 02 December 2022, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
Postponed: HeFDI Data Talk on 04.11.2022: "BERD@NFDI - Business, Economics and related Data" As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Ulrich Krieger will present the consortium BERD@NFDI and their emerging platfom for an empirical research data on Friday, 04 November 2022, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
RMU event day on 30.11.2022 on Open Science: "Perspective Open Science @ RMU 2022". The Rhine-Main Universities (RMU), including Goethe University Frankfurt and TU Darmstadt as HeFDI universities, invite you to the "Perspective Open Science @ RMU 2022" on November 30, 2022.
Brainhack Global Event in Marburg 2022
HeFDI Data Talk on October 21, 2022: "Lessons from Open (Government) Data for Open Science". Open Science: Why should we share our research data openly (with the competition)? Dr. Henriette Litta will explore this question on Friday, October 21, 2022, from 11-12h as part of our HeFDI Data Talks. The event is online and free of charge.
Research Data Day of the Rhine-Main Universities 2022 on 20.10.2022 RESEARCH DATA@RMU 2022 - Virtual Research Data Day of the Rhine-Main Universities with Presentations and Workshops
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 18 November 2022: "DAPHNE4NFDI: DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments" The HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 18 November 2022 (11-12h) will focus on the DAPHNE4NFDI consortium. The online event is free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on October 7, 2022: "High Performance Computing (HPC) - For Whom and How is HPC Suitable in Research?" High Performance Computing (HPC) - For Whom and How is HPC Suitable in Research? Two experts from the Hessian Competence Center for High Performance Computing will report on these questions on Friday, October 7, 2022, from 11-12h as part of our HeFDI Data Talks. The event is online and free of charge.
26 and 27 September 2022: FAIR Research Data Management: Basics for Chemists Workshop provides basics of FAIR RDM on 26 and 27 September 2022
HeFDI Data School kicks off Sept. 14, 2022, with an Introduction to Research Data Management The HeFDI Data School starts on 14.09.2022 with an introduction to research data management
HeFDI Data Talk on 09.09.2022: LINKED? OPEN? DATA AT FOTO MARBURG An introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD) will be the focus of the next HeFDI Data Talk.
HeFDI University Publishes Extensive Research Database from Survey on Health for Scientific Reuse HeFDI site Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences provides data from over 40,000 questionnaires from the panel study "Health Behavior and Accident History in School Age" (GUS) in the research data infrastructure of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Progress for scientific follow-up use.
Verschoben: HeFDI Data Talk am 04.11.2022: "BERD@NFDI - Business, Economics and related Data" As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Ulrich Krieger will present the consortium BERD@NFDI and their emerging platfom for an empirical research data on Friday, 04 November 2022, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on 19 November 2021: Licensing of Research Data? Current issues surrounding the licensing of research data will be the topic of the next HeFDI Data Talk.
HeFDI Data Talk 10 September: NFDI4Culture offers We start our information series “HeFDI Data Talks” on Friday, 10 September – one hour, Fridays from 11 am-noon, for anyone interested. This Friday: The NFDI4Culture consortium will present its offers to support you in handling and using research data on tangible and intangible cultural assets. You can now register for the event.
Registration for the Research Data Day of the Rhein-Main Universities 2021 RESEARCH DATA@RMU 2021 on 29 September 2021
Registration for the HeFDI Research Data Day The HeFDI Research Data Day on 18 June offers insights into techniques and basics of data management and digitally supported research.
Hessian Universities Strongly Represented in NFDI Consortia The HeFDI universities have positioned themselves as key co-designers of the NFDI consortia approved to date. This is also a success of the cooperation in the state initiative HeFDI.
Handout on Legal Framework for Research Data Published HeFDI has published a handout on legal issues concerning research data, more specifically on copyright and ancillary copyright and on decision-making powers in the handling of research data. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3957679
RDMO Community Meeting As part of the RDMO working group, the HeFDI University TU Darmstadt is co-organising a virtual community meeting on the Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) tool on 7 October 2020.
Research Data Day of the Rhein-Main Universities RESEARCH DATA@RMU 2020 on 13 October 2020 – Virtual Research Data Day of the Rhein-Main Universities with presentations and workshops.
Status and Future of Research Data Management in the Engineering Sciences Using the Example of Thermofluidics Community event (30 November to 1 December 2020) of NFDI4Ing, also hosted by HeFDI member TU Darmstadt
NFDI4Culture Explained Virtual Culture Community Workshop “NFDI4Culture explained” 09.09.2020. Several HeFDI-Universities participate in NFDI4Culture.
Save the Date: HeFDI Plenary 2020 on Thursday, 17 December The HeFDI Plenary will take place on 17 December 2020 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm as a virtual meeting. The focus will be on your needs: what do you need as a researcher and teacher to be able to handle and re-use digital data even better?
HeFDI Plenary Generates High Interest – Posters Available to All The HeFDI Plenary is very popular: over 160 people have registered. The posters, including abstracts and, if applicable, videos, are available to the public.
Good Research Needs Good Data Management Digitally supported research opens up new research fields and insights. However, this only works if research data can be accessed and used across different systems. Close coordination with users is therefore crucial for the success of research data management and the establishment and expansion of effective infrastructures. On Thursday, 17 December 2020, researchers came together to discuss this topic – at the first virtual plenary of the state initiative HeFDI – Hessian Research Data Infrastructures, a project coordinated by Philipps University of Marburg. In her virtual welcome speech, Science Minister Angela Dorn emphasised the importance of successful research data management.
Data Preparation with Funding from KonsortSWD
Workshop Series “Data Management Plans in Research – From Fundamentals to Basic Issues”
Unearthing the Treasure of Data – Info Event with KonsortSWD on 18 March 2021 The NFDI consortium KonsortSWD is currently offering funding for data management in ongoing research projects. The call is aimed at social sciences and economics, applications must be submitted by 30 April 2021. At the digital information event on Thursday 18 March 2021, 3-4 pm, KonsortSWD will present its offer and answer researchers' questions.
Save the Date: HeFDI Research Data Day 2021 Making research data publicly accessible is an important way to strengthen the use of research results and digital participation. In practice-oriented short workshops, we will show you ways and tools to support you in this. In lightning talks, infrastructure facilities and centres will present practical offers and services.
HeFDI Data School Module 6 Postponed to 16 February 2022
Handout Law Updated: Publication, Licensing, Re-use, Liability Extensive, editable presentations on legal issues relating to research data are available, now also on the topics of publication and licensing, subsequent use and liability. The materials are available for training and consultation and were developed on the basis of the DataJus expert opinion.
New Version of the Electronic Lab Books Guide Are you looking for the right tool for your electronic laboratory notebook (ELN)? The revised guide will help you choose the right tool.
Personal Health Data – Answers and Offers from NFDI4Health. At the HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 14 January 2022, 11 am-noon, the NFDI4Health consortium will present its offer. The focus is on personal health data, which is not only of immense importance in the current pandemic situation: their availability is also immensely important for developing new therapies, comprehensive care approaches and preventive measures. You are welcome to register – participation is free of charge.
Workshop on Research Data Management in Life Sciences on January 26, 2022 Research Data Management in Life Sciences – Workshop with ZB MED and HeFDI on January 26, 2022
HeFDI Data Talk with NFDI4Chem on 3 December 2021, 11 am-noon At the virtual HeFDI Data Talk on 3 December from 11 am-noon, NFDI4Chem will be a guest and present its plans for ELNs, repositories, metadata standards and training.
HeFDI Data Talk 17 December: de.NBI Presents its Offers Life sciences listen up – the German Bioinformatics Infrastructure Network de.NBI presents its cloud and compute infrastructure. Register now for the HeFDI Data Talk on 17 December 2021 from 11 am-noon! The event is free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk rescheduled
HeFDI Data School Module 6 Postponed to 16.02.2022
HeFDI Data Talk on 11.02.2022: NFDI4Biodiversity Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner on tools and services of the NFDI consortium NFDI4Biodiversity and the FAIR handling of research data from biodiversity research.
HeFDI Data Talk on 25.02.2022: RDC Qualiservice and QualidataNet Dr. Kati Mozygemba, University of Bremen, presents the Research Data Center (RDC) Qualiservice and the network QualidataNet under the aspect of data sharing of qualitative social science research data.
HeFDI Data Talk on 11.03.2022: Practical Introduction to XML and Metadata Schemas. Andre M. Pietsch M.A., research data officer at the Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen, will give an introduction to XML and metadata schemas to all newcomers and interested parties in a practice-oriented workshop.
Workshop on FAIR Research Data Management: 6 and 8 July 2022 Two-day workshop in collaboration with NFDI4Chem provides basics for chemists on FAIR Research Data Management.
Save the Date for HeFDI Research Data Day on June 24th 2022
Call for Funding VolkswagenStiftung Data Reuse - additional funding for the preparation of research data in the context of Open Science.
Tekkie Award 2022 Creative competition for Hesse
HeFDI Data Talk May 20, 11-12h: RDM in DFG Proposals. The DFG expects you to describe and plan how to handle research data - tailored to your specific project. The management of data can also be a focus, especially during peer review and on-site inspections. But what needs to be considered? In the HeFDI Data Talk, Dr. Ortrun Brand, coordinator of the state initiative HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures, presents the key points of the DFG guidelines and is available for questions and discussion.
HeFDI Research Data Day '22: Registration Now Open! You can register now for our HeFDI Research Data Day 2022! At the HeFDI Research Data Day on June 24, 2022, we will offer you insight and discussion opportunities on various offerings in research data management in 5 tracks, each with 4 workshops or presentations. The HeFDI Research Data Day is part of the nationwide Day of the Digital.
HeFDI Data Talk on July 1: Data Management, Metadata and Tools in Collaborative Research Centers. Our HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, July 1, 2022, from 11h-12h will focus on Collaborative Research Centers: Dr. Matthias Grönewald from TU Darmstadt will tell us about "Research Data Management, Metadata and Tools in Collaborative Research Centers/Transregios". The HeFDI Data Talks are a free virtual event series on current topics in data management.
29.09.2022: HeFDI Data School Module: Data organisation and documentation In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
26.10.2022 : HeFDI Data School Module: Versioning of research data In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
16.11.2022 : HeFDI Data School Module: Project and data management tools In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
30.11.2022 : HeFDI Data School Module: Electronic Laboratory Notebooks In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
14.12.2022: HeFDI Data School Module: Legal questions In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
11.01.2023: HeFDI Data School Module: Open Science In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
18.01.2023: HeFDI Data School Module: The data management plan In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
01.02.2023: HeFDI Data School Module: Research data management in third-party funding applications In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
15.02.2023: HeFDI Data School Module: Archiving and publication of research data In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
01.03.2023: HeFDI Data School Module: Search, find and use research data In the HeFDI Data School, HeFDI - Hessian Research Data Infrastructures offers cross-site and cross-disciplinary training on research data management.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 30 June 2023, 11-12h: Introducing the NFDI4Ing: Research Data Management from the Perspective of the Engineering Sciences (GER) The HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 30 June 2023 (11-12h) will focus on the NFDI4Ing consortium. The online event is free of charge.
June 23: HeFDI Code School 'Sustainable Research Software' - Introduction to Software Testing The HeFDI Code School adresses the need of especially early career researchers on learning how to create good scientific software and increase the quality of their code for better reusability and sustainability.
The HeFDI Data Week 2023 in figures Our contribution to the nationwide “Digitaltag” on 16 June 2023 was the HeFDI Data Week 2023 (14-16 June). This three-day online event was aimed at researchers, educators, students, and anyone interested in learning more about research data in our digital age.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 15 July 2023, 11-12h: "From Research Data Management (RDM) to Reproducible Research Management (RRM) with AI" (EN) Reproducibility of results is key for good and also cutting edge research. In our HeFDI Data Talk, Hessian.AI will present it's vision of a modular digital research toolkit based on artificial intelligence (AI). It aims at not only enabling research data management (RDM), but even more supporting reproducible research management (RRM).
Save the date: 20.11.2023 – GesundFDM Community Meeting for the health- and care-related Sciences The BMBF project GesundFDM is inviting all colleagues from the health sciences, therapy and nursing sciences as well as midwifery and health-related social work to their upcoming GesundFDM Community Meeting on November 20, 2023 from 11:00 - 15:00.
RDMO Hackathon 2023 Developers from all over Germany meet on 10 and 11 August at ULB Darmstadt at the Lichtwiese location.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 08 September 2023, 11-12h: "Research Data Management (RDM) at Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany - Awareness, Activities and Demands" (EN) Contributing to our understanding of Research Data Management (RDM) awareness, application and the corresponding needs of researchers, the EVER_FDM project is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of RDM at Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany. In our HeFDI Data Talk, Robert Werth (FUAS) is going to present its main findings and offer an evaluation of promising measures to support the change in research culture and practice.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 22 September 2023, 11-12h: "NFDI4 - Memory. A Research Data Infrastructure for Historically Engaged Disciplines" (DE) In this Data Talk on Friday, 22 September 2023, 11-12h, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk will present the NFDI4Memory consortium, its task areas as well as developments and challenges for historically engaged disciplines and research data.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 6 October 2023, 11-12h: "Kadi4Mat - Karlsruhe Data Infrastructure for Materials Science" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr.-Ing. Michael Selzer will present Kadi4Mat, the open source software for managing research data, on Friday, 6 October 2023, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 20 October 2023, 11-12h: "Long-term archiving of digital-born video data: challenges and scopes" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Elena Hamidy will present Long-term archiving of digital-born video data, on Friday, 20 October 2023, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
Starting this Week: HeFDI Code School 'Sustainable Research Software' II The HeFDI Code School adresses the need of especially early career researchers on learning how to create good scientific software and increase the quality of their code for better reusability and sustainability.
Over 1000 subscribers now receive the monthly HeFDI newsletter! The HeFDI newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of current news and upcoming events offered by HeFDI universities as well as other institutions in the field of research data management.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 03 November 2023, 11-12h: "The NFDI4Earth (National Research Data Infrastructure for the Earth System Sciences): conception, execution & examples" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Dominik Hezel will present the The NFDI4Earth consortium (National Research Data Infrastructure for the Earth System Sciences): conception, execution & examples, on Friday, 03 November 2023, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
Research Data @ RMU 2023 taking place on 09 November 2023 - register now! The Rhine-Main universities are organizing a joint Research Data Day again this year. It will take place on November 9 as a digital event and will be held in German and English language. For more information, see the program below.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 17 November 2023, 11-12h: - An Introduction Using the Example of eLabFTW" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Björn Trebels and Hüseyin Uzun give an introduction to Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN), on Friday, 17 November 2023, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 15 December 2023, 11-12h: "UpdateFDM: A capability maturity model for evaluating the institutional RDM portfolio" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Denise Jäckel gives insight into the results of the joint project FDNext, on Friday, 15 December 2023, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 26 January 2024, 11-12h: "Research Data Management in Third-Party Funding Applications - DFG Requirements" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Ortrun Brand presents the key points of the DFG guidelines and is available for questions and discussion, on Friday, 26 January 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Infosnacks - Love Data Week 2024 At "Love Data Week 2024", we will be offering HeFDI Data Infosnacks during the lunch break. In these short, 15-20 minute information sessions we provide you with information about our offers and services around research data and code management. FAIR, replicability, data publishing are one some of our topics. Of course, we will be happy to take your questions. Our Infosnacks are for free and fully virtual - please join in.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 09 February 2024, 11-12h: "re3data" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Charlotte Neidiger presents "re3data", on Friday, 09 February 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 17 May 2024, 11-12h: "Navigating the Data Revolution: from Data Monopolies to Data Rights" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. iur. Paweł Kamocki presents "Navigating the Data Revolution: from Data Monopolies to Data Rights", on Friday, 17 May 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 08 March 2024, 11-12h: "Teaching materials on RDM - The HeFDI self-learning unit" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Ortrun Brand presents "Teaching materials on RDM - The HeFDI self-learning unit", on Friday, 08 March 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 22 March 2024, 11-12h: "Inventorying, standardizing, making available - on the digitization of university collections" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Alexander Maul presents "Digitization of university collections", on Friday, 22 March 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 05 April 2024, 11-12h: "RDM platform Coscine" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Katja Jansen presents "RDM platform Coscine", on Friday, 05 April 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 19 April 2024, 11-12h: "Jupyter" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Christian Berger presents "Jupyter", on Friday, 19 April 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
New Webconference Room From April 2024 on, we use a new Webconference room for our HeFDI Data Events. Here your find the access data.
Registration started: HeFDI Code School (EN) during the Summer Semester 2024 - now with a Basic and Advanced Track! The HeFDI Code School adresses the need of especially early career researchers on learning how to create good scientific software and increase the quality of their code for better reusability and sustainability.
Introduction to Python! Code School Basic Track starts on Friday 26th Kickoff for our new Basic Track of HeFDI Code School on April 26th, 9h! Dominik Hezel from Goethe University teaches starting with Python.
Cancelled: HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 03 May 2024, 11-12h: "NFDIxCS" The planned Data Talk this Friday is cancelled/postponed. If there will be an alternative date, further information will follow soon.
Working with data sets: Code School Basic Track on Friday 17th May The basic track of the Code School continues on Friday, May 17, 09:00h - 13:00h. Dr. Dominik Hezel from Goethe University will present "Working with data sets"!
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 14 June 2024, 11-12h: "Research data management for the social, behavioral, educational and economic sciences: the services of KonsortSWD" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Friederike Schlücker, Kati Mozygemba and Sebastian Netscher present "KonsortSWD", on Friday, 14 June 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
Registration Now Open! HeFDI Data Week, 03.-07. June 2024 You can register now for any or all events of the HeFDI Data Week: 03.-07. June 2024: The online event is free of charge and part of the nationwide "Digitaltag".
Accessing databases: Code School Basic Track on Friday 21st June 2024 The basic track of the Code School continues on Friday, June 21, 09:00h - 13:00h. Dr. Dominik Hezel from Goethe University Frankfurt/ NFDI4Earth will present "Accessing databases"!
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 12 July 2024, 11-12h: "NFDI4Culture: Task Area "Standards, Data Quality and Curation" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Celia Krause and Angela Kailus present "NFDI4Culture: Task Area "Standards, Data Quality and Curation", on Friday, 12 July 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 29 November 2024, 11-12h: "Data and Compute Infrastructures in the PUNCH communities" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Harry Enke presents "Data and Compute Infrastructures in the PUNCH communities", on Friday, 29 November 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 20 September 2024, 11-12h: "The right of data trustees" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Prof. Dr. Florian Möslein and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Omlor present "The right of data trustees", on Friday, 20 September 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 06 September 2024, 11-12h: "BEXIS2 - functional overview and demo" (DE) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, David Schöne presents "BEXIS2 - functional overview and demo", on Friday, 06 September 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
New publication: HeFDI Data Guidance - Practice and vision of comprehensive, cooperative RDM consulting (available in German) HeFDI is pleased to announce the publication of our new article "HeFDI Data Guidance - Practice and vision of comprehensive, cooperative RDM consulting” (available in German in our Zenodo community).
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 15 November 2024, 11-12h: "NFDI4Chem Core Repositories and RADAR4Chem" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Kerstin Soltau & Christian Bonatto Minella present "NFDI4Chem Core Repositories and RADAR4Chem" on Friday, 15 November 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 13 December 2024, 11-12h: "Research Data Management in Computer Science (with NFDIxCS)" (EN) As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Prof. Michael Goedicke (Universität Duisburg-Essen / paluno) presents "Research Data Management in Computer Science (with NFDIxCS)" on Friday, 13 December 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Code School (27.-29. November 2024)
Workshop on "Data Literacy in Focus: Services, Standards and Networking" (2-4 December 2024) This Workshop is organised in cooperation with the state initiatives for RDM of the states Lower Saxony, Saxony, North Rhein-Westphalia and Hessia. The event will take place as part of the Themed Week ‘Digital Competences in Science’ theme week by the Volkswagen Foundation, alongside three other workshops, from December 2, 2024, to December 4, 2024, at the Xplanatorium Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover (Herrenhäuser Str. 5, 30419 Hannover).
HeFDI Data Infosnacks - Love Data Week 2025 Make the most of your lunch break during Love Data Week 2025 with our short online sessions on research data and code management. The Data Infosnacks are free of charge and take place online.