26.08.2024 HeFDI Data Talk on Friday, 29 November 2024, 11-12h: "Data and Compute Infrastructures in the PUNCH communities" (EN)
As part of our HeFDI Data Talks, Dr. Harry Enke presents "Data and Compute Infrastructures in the PUNCH communities", on Friday, 29 November 2024, from 11-12h. The event is online and free of charge.
HeFDI Data Talk on 29 November 2024, 11h-12h
The online event is free of charge; click here to register. With the registration you will receive the access data, which are valid for all talks of our bi-weekly series. The talk will be held in English.
Since for fundamental physics communities the building of ever refined instruments and the subsquent amassing of huge amounts of digital data play a crucial role already since the late 1980s, some of their data processing steps have also well established structures. Analysing the different approaches of our communities provide some guidance into the potential and the direction of further work.
Speaker: Dr. Harry Enke, Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP); Head of department Supercomputing and E-Science
Chair: Dr. Ortrun Brand, HeFDI Coordination Team
Our HeFDI Data Talks are a bi-weekly open information and discussion event series on current topics, offers and services in the field of research data management. The Data Talks take place every second Friday (even calendar weeks) from 11-12h as a web conference.
Click here for the program overview. You can directly register for the Data Talk series here.
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Mail: hefdi@uni-marburg.de
an der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Biegenstr. 36
35032 Marburg