15.02.2024 HeFDI Data Infosnacks - Love Data Week 2024
At "Love Data Week 2024", we will be offering HeFDI Data Infosnacks during the lunch break. In these short, 15-20 minute information sessions we provide you with information about our offers and services around research data and code management. FAIR, replicability, data publishing are one some of our topics. Of course, we will be happy to take your questions. Our Infosnacks are for free and fully virtual - please join in.

International Love Data Week 12th-16th February - HeFDI Data Infosnacks
At "Love Data Week 2024", we will be offering HeFDI Data Infosnacks during the lunch break. In these short, 15-20 minute information sessions we provide you with information about our offers and services around research data and code management. Of course, we will be happy to take your questions. Our Infosnacks are for free and fully virtual.
Be part of it! The participation is free of charge and there is no registration required to take part in the "Infosnacks". Simply join via the link to the conference below.
Calendar files: If you want to be reminded of the upcoming event, you can either
- download the calendar file (.ics) for the whole week or
- download the corresponding calendar files for the events of your choosing in the programme overview below
Access to the web conference:
Link to the conference
Programme Overview
Date | Info-Snack 1: 12.00 - 12.30 | Info-Snack 2: 12.30 - 13.00 | Info-Snack 3: 13.00 - 13.45 |
Monday, 12th February 2024 |
Introduction to Research Data Management and DFG-requirements (EN) What is research data management, and what should I look out for in my DFG proposal? Dr. Ortrun Brand, Philipps-University Marburg |
RDM at UAS in Germany, The results of EVER_FDM (DE) In which ways is research data management (RDM) established at Universities of Applied Sciences in Germany? This question was investigated by the EVER_FDM project via a large survey and interview study. Suitable measures to support RDM will also be adressed in the talk. Robert Werth, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
Tuesday, 13th February 2024 |
Visibility, acceptance and use of data management plans at Universities of Applied Sciences - A results report from the SAN-DMP research project (DE) This event will give insights into previous practice of data management plans at Universities of Appliced Sciences and prospects for future measures and opportunities. Stephanie Werner, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences |
Creating Data Management Plans with RDMO (EN) Good research data management starts with planning and RDMO supports researchers in this planning process with a structured interview. Learn more about RDMO in this talk. Jürgen Windeck, TU Darmstadt |
noScribe – automated transcription, local, free, and open source (DE) In this event, the possibilities and limitations of AI-supported transcriptions in qualitative social research will be discussed. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated how transcription of audio files can be automated using the freely available software noScribe. Dr. Kai Dröge, Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt am Main Katharina Schuckmann, Hochschule RheinMain |
Wednesday, 14th February 2024 |
GitLab (EN) Version control, data storage, collaboration, documentation, and project management - an overview about the possibilities of GitLab. Dr. Christian Berger, Philipps-University Marburg |
Jupyter (EN) Interactive computing, data processing and programming for beginners and experts. Jupyter is a versatile tool and provides a low threshold entry to the world of coding. Dr. Christian Berger, Philipps-University Marburg |
Thursday, 15th February 2024 |
A Guide to Electronic Lab Notebooks (DE) The "ELN Wegweiser" (in German) by ZB MED is very useful for researchers considering the use of an electronic lab notebook. This presentation will introduce the document and the "ELN Finder" database, which helps researchers to find a suitable ELN. Dr. Birte Cordes, Uni Kassel |
Electronic Lab Notebook eLabFTW (EN) The electronic lab notebook eLabFTW is intuitive to use. It is open-source and is very popular in the academic environment in Germany. Here we will introduce you to the tool in a live demo. Hüseyin Uzun, Goethe-University Frankfurt |
Friday, 16th February 2024 |
HeFDI repositories: Your place to publish and archive research data (EN) Research data repositories are essential tools to allow researchers to archive and publish research data. This talk will introduce research data repositories with a special focus on HeFDI repositories and TUdatalib from TU Darmstadt. Dr. Andreas Geissner, TU Darmstadt |
Digitising Scientific Collections. Taking stock, standardising, providing - on the digitisation of university collections (DE) The talk discusses general considerations to be taken into account when merging heterogeneous data from natural science and cultural history university collections into a joint object portal. Alexander Maul, Philipps-University Marburg |
Dr. Ortrun Brand
Tel.: 06421-28-24310
Mail: hefdi@uni-marburg.de
an der Philipps-Universität Marburg
Biegenstr. 36
35032 Marburg