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Benefits for Families

Child Allowance

Parents are eligible to apply for “Kindergeld” (child allowance) for children up to at least the age of 18. Under certain circumstance foreign parents are also entitled to child allowance.

Child allowance is usually paid when the applicant is domiciled or normally resident in Germany. Applicants resident abroad may be eligible for child allowance if they are subject to unlimited tax liability in Germany - i.e. the bulk of their income is exclusively earned in Germany. Applications must be made in writing to the local “Familienkasse” (family office).

EU / EEA citizens: If you are a citizen of a Member State of the EU, the EEA States, or Switzerland you may receive child allowance irrespective of whether you have a settlement permit or a residence permit. The same applies if you are a national of Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Morocco, Tunisia or Turkey on the basis of the respective bilateral agreements, provided that you are liable to pay contributions for unemployment benefit under the terms of your employment in Germany.

If you are working on the basis of a service contract or have been sent to Germany on temporary assignments by employers resident abroad you are not eligible for child allowance even if you have a settlement permit or residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment.

Non-EU citizens: Foreigners living permanently in Germany are eligible to receive child allowance if they have a valid settlement permit or residence permit for specific purposes. One of these purposes is to pursue research according to §20. Foreigners who have a residence permit for the purpose of study or doctoral study are not entitled to receive child allowance.

In Marburg: 
Contacts for questions relating to child allowance for staff at Philipps-Universität Marburg:

The amount of child allowance to which the staff at Philipps-Universität are entitled is calculated by the “Hochschulbezügestelle” in Kassel, a central office for the universities in Hessen. Here you can find application forms for child allowance online; alternatively, turn to the finance offices in the individual departments at Philipps-Universität. If you have any issues with child allowance, please contact the central office directly.

Hochschulbezügestelle Universität Kassel
Wilhelmshöher Allee 64–66, 34119 Kassel

You will find the telephone numbers of the administrator responsible for you on your salary statement.

Parental Allowance:

The legislation on “Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz - BEEG” (parental allowance and parental leave) came into force on 1 January 2007. It superseded the former Federal Family Allowance in respect of births occurring during and after 2007. Hence the information given below only applies to births occurring after 31.12.2006.

Parental allowance compensates for loss of income following the birth of a child. After deducting taxes, social security payments and tax allowances, it amounts to 67% of the average monthly income available prior to birth, or a maximum of 1,800 euro, or a minimum of 300 euro. Non-working parents receive the minimum amount in addition to the family income. Parental allowance is paid to the father and mother for a maximum of 14 months. They are eligible to split the period between them. Neither parent may claim for more than 12 months. A further 2 months may be paid if income is lost during this period and the partner is involved in caring for the child. Single parents drawing parental allowance to compensate for loss of income are eligible for the full 14 months parental allowance.


Mothers and fathers are eligible for parental allowance if:

  • they care for and educate their children themselves after birth
  • they are not employed for more than 30 hours per week
  • they live together with their children in one abode
  • they are resident or have their habitual place of residence in Germany
  • Under certain circumstances, parental allowance may also be paid in respect of employment abroad.

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