13.02.2020 Information on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, Covid-19)

Information for employees and students at the University of Marburg

Travel to China

The University of Marburg recommends that employees and students if possible not undertake any travel to China due to the novel coronavirus. The university is following here the current travel advisories of the German Federal Foreign Office for China. There is a partial travel warning for the province of Hubei — and unnecessary travel to other parts of the country should also be postponed. If you are planning a trip to China that cannot be postponed, you should seek out comprehensive information in advance. In your considerations, please note that you should anticipate a 14-day quarantine after returning home or already while in the host country due to contact with infected persons, even if you are not infected.

Student exchange programs

In accordance with the recommendations of the DAAD, outgoing programs to China have been stopped. Students from China or other countries will be subject to current regulations upon their departure from the country of origin and upon arrival.

Those traveling and returning from China can find important information on this poster from the Robert Koch Institute (multilingual: German, English, Mandarin).

How can I protect myself?

The most effective measures to protect yourself and others from becoming infected are the same as with other infectious viral diseases:

Anyone who has symptoms of disease, especially after a stay in a country with high infection rates, should remain at home and contact your local  Public Health Office (Public Health Office for the Marburg-Biedenkopf District).

Current information on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV; Covid-19) on the websites of the following institutions:

The German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) offers general information on coronavirus and hygiene

The German Federal Foreign Office publishes current travel advisories and warnings: