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The European Research Council (ERC) forms part of Horizon 2020 in the Section 1 of the programme,  "Excellent Science" and is currently funding innovative basic and pioneering research in five programme lines in a world-wide competition. The sole selection criteria are the scientific excellence of the project itself and of its Principal Investigator.

The ERC funding lines are:

  • Starting Grant for young aspiring researchers (2-7 years after the PhD), with a funding value of up to 2 million euros over a maximum of five years
  • Consolidator Grant for young aspiring researchers  (7-12 years after PhD), with a funding value of up to 2.75 million euros over a maximum of five years
  • Advanced Grant for experienced, top-tier researchers, with a funding value of up to 3.5 million euros over a maximum of five years
  • Synergy Grant for groups comprising two to four researchers, with a funding value of up to 10 million euros over a maximum of six years
  • Proof of Concept for those researchers who have already applied for an ERC grant and who would like to convert the ideas ensuing from their project into innovations (maximum of 150,000 euros for a period of up to eighteen months)

ERC-Grants at the University of Marburg

BISMUTH GOES RADICAL - Bismuth Compounds in Radical Reactions: Fundamental Aspects and Synthetic Applications

Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Crispin Lichtenberg, Inorganic chemistry
Starting Grant
Duration: 2021-2026 (since 2022 at University of Marburg)

C-SWITCH - CTP-dependent molecular switches: an emerging new principle in cellular regulation

Profile Area: Microbiology, Biodiversity, Climate

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Martin Thanbichler, Microbiology
Advanced Grant
Duration: 2023-2028

EARTHCAM - Earth-Abundant Metals with Exclusively Achiral Ligands for Sustainable Chiral-at-Metal Catalysis

Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Eric Meggers, Chemical biology
Advanced Grant
Duration: 2021-2025

KIWIsome - Kiwellins in the plant defense against pathogenic invaders

Profilbereich: Microbiology, Biodiversity, Climate

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Gert Bange, Biochemistry
Advanced Grant
Duration: 2021-2026

SENCES - Sensation and inferences in perception, metacognition and action

Profile Area: Mind, Brain, Behavior

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz, General and Biological Psychology
Consolidator Grant
Duration: 2021-2026

TACY - Tackling the Cyclacene Challenge

Profile Area: Materials, Interfaces, Semiconductors

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Michael Gottfried, Physical chemistry
Synergy Grant
Other PIs: Prof. Dr. Michael Mastalerz, Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg (Corresponding PI); Prof. Dr. Holger Bettinger, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Duration: 2023-2029

Two-CO2-One - CO2 Fixation and Energy Conservation in the ancient Wood-Ljungdahl Pathway

Profile Area: Microbiology, Biodiversity, Climate

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jan Schuller, Biochemistry
Starting Grant
Duration: 2023-2028

Former ERC-Grants at the Philipps University of Marburg have been attributed to:

BiCMat - Bismuth Cluster-Based Materials

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Dehnen, Inorganic chemistry
Advanced Grant
Duration: 2022-2027 (since 10/2022 at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie [KIT])

DRUGPROFILBIND - Chemogenomic profiling of drug-protein binding by shape, enthalpy/entropy and interaction kinetics

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Friedrich Klebe, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Advanced Grant
Duration: 2011-2016

NEUROMIR - microRNA function in homeostatic plasticity in the mammalian brain

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Martin Schratt
Starting Grant
Duration: 2010-2015

PERFORM - Calibration and integration of peripheral and foveal information in human vision

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz
Starting Grant
Duration: 2016-2021

P73CANCER - p73 dependence in cancer: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic targeting

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Stiewe
Starting Grant
Duration: 2010-2016

QUANTHISTLING - Quantitative modeling of historical-comparative linguistics: Unraveling the phylogeny of native South American languages

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Michael Cysouw
Starting Grant
Duration: 2010-2014

SCALPL - A Scalable Programming Language

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ostermann
Starting Grant
Duration: 2008-2014

SLEEPCONTROL - The mechanism of sleep control through a sleep-active sleep-promoting neuron

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Henrik Bringmann
Starting Grant
Duration: 2015-2020 (since 2020 at Technical University Dresden)