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Here you will find available topics for a thesis with us as well as already completed theses.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you are interested or have your own idea for your thesis! Please also note that topics are only working titles and Bachelor topics can be converted into Master topics and vice versa.

Current topics

Bachelor and L3

  • Sensitivity of measurement inaccuracies in leaf ares index recording during fieldwork.
  • Quantification of the area of tax orchards in Hesse using remote sensing data and machine learning techniques.
  • Quantification of used and unused climbing rocks in Franconian Switzerland using satellite imagery.

Ground radar

  • Detection of cavities in the Breitscheid-Erdbach karst area using ground penetrating radar.
  • Mapping of the surroundings of the Elisabethkirche in Marburg with the help of a ground penetrating radar.
  • Thickness and structure of the Quaternary valley fill in the Lahn valley near Marburg.
  • Distribution of the Laacher Lake tephra in the Lahn valley.
  • Detection of channel structures in the Lahn valley as a contribution to the fluvial morphological genesis of the Lahn in the Holocene.
  • Thickness and structure of the periglacial cover layer in Calderner Forst.
  • Detection of archaeological ground monuments on the Lahn Mountains.


  • Recent climate modelling of the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia.
  • Automated climate modelling for the Hainich National Park.

Topics worked on

  • Bachelor

    From Cones to Pixels - Digitale Segmentierung von Zapfen an Koniferen in Lacanau - Oliver Beiße - 2023

    Quantifizierung der hessischen Streuobstwiesenbestände - Jonathan Philipp Hecht - 2022

    Sind Papilionidae (Schmetterlinge) in den Tropen bunter? - Franziska Ferstl - 2020

    Räumliche Analyse des Wetteraukreises nach geeigneten Korridoren für die Europäische Wildkatze mittels GIS - Julian Nuhn - 2020

    Identifizierung möglicher Wanderkorridore für die Europäische Wildkatze (Felis s. silvestris) durch Wiedervernetzung von Biotopen in Hessen - Mandy Gimpel - 2020

    Satellite-based rainfall estimations for the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia - A machine learning and MSG SEVIRI approach - Eike Schott - 2018

    Emergency drinking water supply in the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf - Johannes Frey - 2018

    High altitude rock shelters and settlements in an African alpine ecosystem: the Bale mountains national park, Ethiopia - David Reber - 2017

    Determination of full storey numbers and classification of roof shapes by digital terrain and surface models - Dominik Visca - 2017

    Monitoring hourly air temperature in South Africa using MSG SEVIRI and machine learning - Johannes Schmidt - 2017

    Potential analysis for wind energy in the municipality of Waldbröl - a comparison to the potential analysis 2003 - Marius Bellingen - 2017

    Spatial modelling of landslides in the Franconian Alb and identification as well as transferability of their influencing factors - Maximilian Kleebauer - 2017

    Automated generation of HTML image maps - Simeon Wetzel - 2017

    Terrain climatological investigations of an elevated depression in the Central Burgwald/Hesse - Tiziana Koch - 2017

    Investigation of nitrate and phosphate pollution in surface waters of an agricultural catchment - Michaela Stäblein - 2016

    Interpolation of monthly rainfall in two South African regions: Comparison of Random Forest and Kriging - Oliver Reitz - 2016

    Wind turbines: Comparison and validation of different landscape image analyses with open-source GIS - Tom Weiten - 2016

    Identification of Bush Encroachment in South African Savannas: A Machine Learning Based Approach using Random Forest and multi-scale MODIS Imager - Annika Ludwig - 2015

    Development of a supervised classification method for the identification of war-related relief changes using LiDAR data - Lukas Wimmer - 2015

    GIS-based analysis on the spatial relationship between forest fires and road networks based on the MODIS fire product. - The case study of Greece - Panos Pavlidis - 2015

    The Douglas fir in the Spessart - an invasion into the native beech forest? - Denise Baumgart - 2014

    Remote sensing prediction of scrub encroachment in South Africa using Random Forest - Fabian Polakowski - 2014

    GIS-based location and sensitivity analysis for a farm bike rental system in Ulm and Neu-Ulm - Johannes Schaal - 2014

    Multitemporal random forest classification of FAGUS SYLVATICA and PICEA ABIES based on LiDaR, RapidEye and high-resolution flight images - Steffen Vogt - 2014

    Possibilities of GIS-based creation of a digital geomorphological map for the Marburg area - Tim Krieger - 2014

    Eco-innovations in the consulting-intensive industry with a focus on mobility within the knowledge-intensive business-oriented services in the Berlin area - Birte Wagener - 2013

    From a network graph to a geographical network: Systematic conflict resolution for the integration of realistic edge attributes - Jana Elena Rinn - 2013

    Spatial representativeness of biodiversity study plots - a remote sensing-based variogram analysis in the Kilimanjaro region - Laura Wette - 2013

    Quantification of anthropogenic relief changes as a consequence of hard coal mining in the Aachen hard coal mining area - Marie Schneider - 2013

    Validation of a satellite based rainfall retrieval method using RADOLAN - Matthias Brandt - 2013

    Hellseers without a view? Validation of a model for calculating the solar potential of house roofs based on photogrammetrically derived surface models and irradiance data of the CM SAF - Nepomuk Reinhard - 2013

    Dynamics of stratus cloud cover at Mount Kilimanjaro - a ground remote sensing case study based on VIS/NIR- image sequences - Katrin Möller - 2012

    The influence of sea surface temperature on the precipitation dynamics of East Africa - a satellite-based analysis for the period from 1982 to 2010 - Melanie Schnelle - 2012

    Fire - source of nitrogen input at El Tiro? Geostatistical analysis in an Ecuadorian tropical mountain forest: combination of deposited nitrogen concentrations, wind trajectories, remote sensed burned areas and tropospheric nitrogen dioxide - Nadine Houbé - 2012

    Reanalysis-based classification of weather patterns of East Africa - An investigation of climate dynamics - Robert Niederheiser - 2012

    Remote sensing analysis of the spatial representativeness of grassland areas in the DFG biodiversity exploratories - Steffi Instinsky - 2012

  • Master

    Bee habitat suitability modeling using landscape metrics in the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro - Sophia Just - 2023

    Modeling past, current, and future distribution of afro-alpine treeline species Erica arborea L. and Erica trimra (Engl.) Beentije under climate change - Bezawit Genanaw - 2022

    Comparative Assessment of Near Real-Time Forest Disturbance Detection Algorithms - Jonas Viehweger - 2021

    Developing Machine-Learning Methods for the Functional Feature Extraction from Digital Images - Madhuvanthi Venkatesh - 2021

    Mapping Bark Beetle Infestations - A Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Approach - Marvin Müsgen - 2021

    Assessing crop yield in central Europe - a remote sensing and machine learning approach - Eike Schott - 2020

    Modelling of mass balance response of Glacier Fürkeleferner, Italy, with a[n] Coupled Snowpack and Ice Surface Energy and Mass Balance Model (COSIMA) - Daniela Krampe - 2018

    Explorative use of similarity based path agglomeration as a means for UAV-image segmentation in agricultural remote sensing - Henning Reinarz - 2018

    Applying similarity based patch agglomeration to the problem of tree crow delineation in UAV derived canopy imagery - Jannik Günther - 2018

    Quality assessment of orthorectified UAV imagery - Johannes Schaal - 2018

    Predicting grassland plant traits and biodiversity using hyperspectral aerial observation and a forward feature selection machine learning approach - Marvin Ludwig - 2018

    Monitoring growth using 3D point clouds derived from low-cost UAV RGB imagery - a case study on maize in central Germany - Max Eysholdt - 2018

    Tree Crown Segmentation Algorithms on RGB Imagery Derived Canopy Height Models - Finn Möller - 2018

    Atmospheric moisture pathways of East Africa and implications for water recycling at Mt. Kilimanjaro - Benjamin Schumacher - 2017

    Analyse von Betriebsdaten zur Entwicklung eines Anschluss-Prognosemodells für den Schienenverkehr in Hessen - Eike Jan Schön - 2017

    Erfassung von EV-Ladestation-Standortdaten durch Nutzung fahrzeugrelevanter Informationen - Entwicklung eines lernenden Systems als Prototyp - Jochen Weiland - 2017

    Using GIS (ArcGIS, QGIS) and the HBV-light model for runoff simulation in the upper Rodach river basin focusing on extreme drought events (Franconia, Germany) - Manuel Dauer - 2017

    Are multispectral images suited for diversity predictions in grasslands? A machine learning based approach in the Biodiversity Exploratories - Ulrike Selig - 2017

    LiDAR-based Prediction of Arthropod Abundance at the Southern Slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro - Alice Ziegler - 2016

    Relating Innovativeness to Raw Material Prices - An Econometric Analysis of Four Cases - Johannes Göbelbecker - 2015

    Bombentrichter oder natürliche Holform - Versuch einer LiDAR-basierten, GIS-gestztüten Differenzierung am Beispiel des Raumes Altenbeken, Nordrhein-Westfahlen - Jonas Laudan - 2015

    CMF-based simulation and sensitivity analysis of hydrological ecosystem services for a Mid-European low mountain range. - Michael Göbel - 2014

    Machbarkeitsstudie zur Visualisierung schalltechnischer Untersuchungen in WorldInsight - Nicolas Caspari - 2014

    Wolken auf der Überholspur - Modularisierte Wolkenklassifikation mit OpenCL - Johannes Drönner - 2013

    Night light imagery and infrastructure assessment: Calculating the economic potential of global rural electrification based on hybrid PV-battery-diesel systems - Catherina Cader - 2012

  • Staatsprüfung (L3)

    Modellierung im Geographieunterricht zur Förderung des Wissenschaftsverständnisses- eine App-basierte Zeitreihenanalyse - Rieke Ammoneit - 2016

    Von Fleischeslust und Bauernhofidylle - Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit begründen durch ganzheitliches Lernen - Deborah Kositzki - 2015

    Die Eignung des Themenkomplexes Plastik als Beispiel für die praktische Umsetzung des Unterrichtsinhaltes "Auswirkungen von Eingriffen in den Naturhaushalt" - ein schulpraktischer Test - Hannah Heimann - 2015

    Evaluierung von Methoden zur Regionalisierung von Lufttemperaturmessungen am Mt. Kilimandscharo - Marie Kordilla - 2013

  • Diplomarbeit

    Fernerkundliche Vorhersage des Orthopterenvorkommens am Mt. Kilimandscharo - Simon Schlauß - 2015

    Umwandlung einer fernerkundeten Vegetationsklassifikation in eine Habitatkarte - Vergleich räumlicher Kernel- und objektbasierter Ansätze - Alexander Schmidt - 2012

    Eine klimatische Analyse des Saharastaubtransports über dem Atlantik auf Basis von Terra-MODIS Produkten - Julia Fuchs - 2012

    Wechselwirkungen von Niederschlagsvariabilität und Konflikten am Beispiel Nigeria - Nora Schmid - 2013

    Das Potenzial von künstlichen Austernriffen als Küstenschutz in der Oosterschelde - Christian Dorsch - 2012

  • Dissertation

    Datengetriebene Modellentwicklung in der Umweltgeographie - Hanna Meyer - 2017

    Globaler Klimawandel vs. lokaler Landnutzungswandel und sein Einfluss auf den atmosphärischen Wassereintrag entlang eines Höhen- und Störungsgradienten am Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tansania - Insa Otte - 2017

    Geoinformationsausbildung in der Hochschule. Kompetenzen, curriculare Anforderungen und empirische Befunde - Uwe Schulze - 2017

    Ein auf maschinellem Lernen basierendes 24-h-Verfahren für ein flächendeckendes Niederschlagsretrieval unter Verwendung von MSG SEVIRI-Daten über Mitteleuropa - Meike Kühnlein - 2014