
FÄLLT AUS: Who Cares About the Forest? Political Ecologies and Ontologies in Amazonia

Das Marburger AnthroLab ist eine Vortrags- und Diskussionsreihe des Fachgebiets Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie und ein Laboratorium für kreativen, innovativen wie auch kritischen Gedankenaustausch. Dieses Wintersemester widmet sich die Reihe dem Thema Klimawandel.


17. Januar 2019 18:15 – 17. Januar 2019 20:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

Deutschhausstr. 3, Hörsaal 1. OG

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Based on an examination of various attempts to control timber extraction and preserve forested areas in Peru the presentation examines understandings of forest conservation and climate change mitigation strategies in contemporary Amazonia. It also uses ethnographic accounts of Ashaninka communities to engage with current debates in anthropology surrounding ontology. Through such a focus the talk highlights the contributions that anthropological insights might bring to real world attempts to conserve the forest and mitigate against climate change, while also showing how those practical attempts themselves emphasize the limitations of an emphasis on ontological difference. In this way it questions the speculative futurism that appears to accompany a focus on ontological alterity and draws attention to the importance of the dynamic processes of transformation and accommodation that emerge in everyday interactions.

Further information: https://www.uni-marburg.de/fb03/ivk/vk/anthrolabalias


Dr. Evan Killick - School of Global Studies, University of Sussex
