
Vortrag: A New History of the Eastern Question – Dangerous Gifts: Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864

Buchvorstellung von Dr. Ozan Ozavci "Dangerous Gifts: Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864"


02. Mai 2022 18:15
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Hörsaal 00A26 im CNMS (Deutschhausstraße 12)

Dr. Ozan Ozavci stellt sein Buch "Dangerous Gifts: Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864" vor.

From Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Egypt in 1798 to the foreign armed interventions in the ongoing civil wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya today, global empires or the so-called Great Powers have long assumed the responsibility to bring security to the Middle East. In this book talk, Ozan Ozavci will revisit the late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century origins of these imperial security practices and discuss how it all began. Why did Great Power interventions in the Ottoman Levant tend to result in further turmoil and civil wars? Why has the region been embroiled in a paradox—an increasing demand despite the allegedly increasing supply of security—ever since? He will embed this highly pertinent genealogical account into a new history of the Eastern Question and draw links to present-day issues such as the Ukraine war.


Dr. Ozan Ozavci
Universiteit Utrecht


Prof. Dr. Benedikt Stuchtey und Dr. Andrea Wiegeshoff in Kooperation mit dem Marburger CNMS und dem Teilprojekt C08 des Marburg-Gießener SFB/TRR "Dynamiken der Sicherheit"